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Jaroslawski Wieslaw letters

Jaroslawski Wieslaw English version 2

Ailments: child walked on his toes only; later properly on left foot but used right one as a support; had problems with sitting straight up.

Dear Mr. Wieslaw...

In May of 2000 I gave birth to my long awaited son. I wished just like every mother, that he would be healthy. Bartek grew and developed properly. His first tooth, first word and first steps gave me great joy.

However, with time these steps began to worry me and became the source of problems. Bartek was walking on his toes. At first I did not pay attention to this, trusting that this is a transition period. However, after two years passed I decided to seek medical help for my son. The diagnosis was as follows: childhood cerebral palsy with contracture of lower appendages, and others.

That was when trips to various doctors started; some confirmed this diagnosis and others said that it was idiopathic (acquired) walking on toes.

Proposals of the consulting doctors pertaining to solution of this problem were various. Some thought that surgical extension of the tendon was needed; others said that injections to relax the muscles should be applied, and still others said that rehabilitation would suffice.

I did not consent to surgery for fear that successive operations might follow. I decided that use of a scalpel would be the last resort. I also searched for help from an iridiologist, but homeopathic medicaments also did not bring intended results.

In the meantime Bartek began to place his left foot properly but the right one became a „support”. It was then that I found out from acquaintances of your visit in Poland and about your energy healing capabilities. It was August of 2008 and without much more divagations I signed up for a visit.

At the first meeting you said that Bartek has very acidified organism and problem with his kidneys. His spine also was very blocked energetically and my son could not sit properly.

Clearly evident results of the energy treatment came after two visits. Bartek began to sit correctly (had a straight up position of his spine), is able to run with his feet flat, and he often walks using the entire surface of their soles.

Advancement is now very swift, even though my son has a lot to catch up – entire eight years.

I sincerely thank you for restoring my son’s physical fitness and good health, and to me great joy from his first properly placed steps.

Beata B. Krzyż – woj. Lubuskie 2008.08.27   /././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././

Ailments: lowering head caused dizziness; change in body movement caused a whirling sensation, and if sudden it caused loss of balance and falling down

Ailments: (son) limited movement of knee joint, very painful, due to injury while playing soccer.

THIS CAROUSEL .... in my head started over six years ago. Whenever I tried to bend down or pick up something heavier this whirling sensation would overcome me. Even worse – this effect also occurred when I was driving...for example: I might stop at a red light and the world would whirl around me.

This was a very strong sensation, even overwhelming, I often fell down when I was trying to get into bed - instead into the bed sheets I would fall on the floor. I went through various tests and stayed at two hospitals, also at the specialized ward at „St. Michael’s Hospital”, where I had an MRI of my head done. All results were negative – nothing was wrong with me, but I still kept falling down.

Ghastly dizziness kept growing and I was always frightened because it could overwhelm me at any time. And then I received from a Polish acquaintance the contact to Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski. That was over two years ago. I had five visits and everything that you told me already at the first meeting came true to the last bit. I then received assurance that the problem will go away, although it will take a while, but already after the third visit I felt significant improvement.

What else can I add? The prognosis came true exactly and its effect is permanent. The dizziness is completely gone and in the last two years I cherish full health. I have huge internal feeling of wellbeing, good humour and optimism. I certainly can say now that I owe this to the actions of Mr Wieslaw Jaroslawski and his positive energy.

I would also like to add that at the same time when I did my 25 years old son also began to visit you. He had suffered some injuries after playing soccer: twisted his right leg and injured his right knee. This resulted in strong pain and significant limiting of movement of the knee. Doctors hesitated and searched for causes in muscles, knee cap, and tendons. They recommended rehabilitation and if this would not help – surgery.

So I took my boy with me and after three visits you had said that you do not have to see him anymore because the energy side of his organism and thereby the physical returned to equilibrium. And this was quite true – my son’s knee was returning to normal swiftly, the pain went away, and complete unlimited movement of the knee joint returned. My boy is now totally fit physically, continues to play ball, exercises at the gym and is a picture of good health.

For all the beneficial achievements

I hugely thank you Vesco K. Brampton, Ont., 2009.03.27   /./././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././

Ailments: widespread, continuous and steadily increasing pain, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, lack of sleep.

.... All this began to grow and accumulate some three years ago. I was in such a bad state that I completely could not do anything at all. I was torn apart by constant pain attacking everywhere, and dizziness and irregular heart beat topped with lack of sleep. The nights were the worse because then all these symptoms grew. At moments I thought that this is the end.

I kept visiting my family doctor for a year and a half. Through this entire period I did not get a specific diagnosis. I had X-rays and USG, various additional blood tests and from all these tests the conclusion was that I was healthy as a fish, but I continued to suffer. Finally some sort of bacteria was discovered in me, maybe it was Helicobacter, and this gave the basis for prescribing a whole battery of antibiotics. One didn’t work so I would get the next, and this was repeated about four times or even more. And after all this, nothing at all improved, on the contrary I felt worse.

And at that moment I found out from newspapers about the unusual effectiveness of energy therapy conducted by Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski.

And already during the first meeting you said, and right away, that I have a problem with the left kidney, and if I don’t believe this I should have a specialized test done. Another indicated problem pertained to the oviducts.... it was bad there too. I did not ignore this information. I had the specialized tests done soon. The results showed that my left kidney was enlarged and there was a rather large cyst on the left oviduct.

Then I really strongly believed in your therapeutic capabilities and came for several regular visits. I did not have to wait long for effects. I was clearly coming back to life, the cyst was gone, the pain that overwhelmed me disappeared, and I began to regain strength swiftly.

I can say with total responsibility that my body is back to normal. I am filled with energy and view the world differently. I am finally healthy and just simply .... I am eager to live.

For this successful help,

With all my heart I THANK YOU !

Dorota B. Brampton, Ontario, 2009.04.04   /././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././

Ailments: strong heartbeat irregularities, stroke caused by medications, total loss of equilibrium, nausea, blurred vision, problems with blood pressure, problems with concentration and memory, huge headaches; not able to work, read or drive and growing need for constant care.

Patricia is a calm and emotionally stable person, just like her letter directed to Wiesław:


November 7, 2007, I had strong irregularities in heart rhythm (Fibrillation of the muscles of heart chambers). I spent 9 days at the Intensive Care Unit at the local hospital, where I could be under constant specialized care. There I received such medications that in reaction to them I had a stroke and then a new cardiologist properly diagnosed my problem and cut me off those medications.

March 8, 2008, a surgery was performed that was to correct the fibrillation of the heart chambers. After all this I was left with the following ailments:

1. Complete loss of equilibrium – I bumped against walls and could not even bend without falling over.

2. I was constantly nauseous and felt as if „I had three drinks too many”.

3. Most of the time I had to hang down my head because constant dizziness plagued me and I also had blurred vision.

4. I was not fit for work, could not read or drive.

5. The disturbances in heart rhythm (fibrillation of heart chambers) continued, valves were about 50% efficient and I had a small opening between the two chambers.

6. Problems with blood pressure resulted from all this.

7. I suffered unbelievable headaches; I had huge problems with memory and concentration.

8. Most of the time I required constant care.

9. I lived like this for 16 months – in turns staying at home and in the hospital.


My first visit was on March 8th in 2009 and the biotherapist began the energy input concentrating on my head. Regular visits lasted from 23 March every week.

After the third meeting I began to walk straight, without losing upright posture and I did not feel so detached from reality anymore.

During the fourth session Mr. Wieslaw convinced me to touch the floor with my fingers, as I did this I did maintain equilibrium, and after returning home I cleaned the whole house.

After the fifth therapy session I could not only walk straight up, but I also could easily bend down and pick up things from the floor. Mr. Jaroslawski told me then great news – my brain, as regards its energy state, is okay now and he can now deal with the other ailments.

I must add that I am not taking any more pills for regulating blood pressure. I drive and take care of the whole house without any problems, I simply lead a normal life – this still seems like a miracle to me, the more so that I was not given any hope for improvement.

My entire family is so grateful that, after such bad prognoses, you have returned me to efficient movement and good daily existence, to which I had not expected to return.

My sixth visit? – Well, we will see what else you can improve in me?!

 Patricia S. Georgetown, April 20, 2009    /././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././

Ailments: limited hearing and buzzing in the right ear, the hearing loss was 80% or more in 20 years; depression and problems with sleep, muscle and spinal pains, headaches; also a bad smoking habit.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SILENCE... were the words of a Canadian doctor after previously conducted tests on my right ear. That was not long ago after I arrived in Canada, where I am already fifteen years.

The problem with limited hearing began already in Poland. At first it was a buzz in the right ear, which was repeatedly clogged and contact with the surroundings was becoming burdensome. Doctors were not able to describe the causes and with this growing ailment I ended up in Canada.

A specialist here, after looking at results of all sorts of tests, also was helpless. In earnest, it was then that I became fully aware of the seriousness of my problem, and even more so due to the fact that the doctor suggested surgery for diagnosing the exact cause and this without any guarantee for regaining hearing. Since I did not have this one certainty I decided not to have this surgery and to learn to live with this ailment.

However, for many reasons, this hearing problem had a depressive effect on me. It made conversations difficult, learning foreign languages was hard, as was listening to music, and many situations were complicated.

It was determined that the loss of hearing is about 80%, even though I was convinced that is was worse, the process was deepening and I practically did not hear. The suggested solution was purchase of a hearing aid apparatus.

In all, the best period of my life was spent coping with this problem. Not until after twenty years of this huge discomfort, of limited hearing and stress associated with it, that a significant positive change came.

This positive change is due to Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski. Already after the first visit I felt as if a huge armor was removed from me. I began to breathe normally, regained lightness of movement and good humor. The fetters into which stress had put me and the growing neurosis began to crack. After each meeting I felt better, and I could also fall asleep easily, did not feel the muscle and spinal pains, or the headaches.

My greatest joy however is that already after the fourth visit I regained 50% of my hearing. For the first time in long years I could talk through the phone using the right ear that had been useless till now. The voice still seemed to come from very far, but it did come through and was understandable.

Now I am convinced that after several more session Mr. Jaroslawski will extend his hand and say: Welcome to the world of the hearing, and well hearing at that.

I still need to mention that because of these therapeutic sessions I also got rid of my smoking habit - of the cigarettes with which I was poisoning my life for thirty years. I had tried to fight this habit, stopped several times, but any slight stress caused me to reach for them again.

It was after the third bioenergy session that something astonishing happened. Upon returning home I smoked one cigarette but it did not taste good at all. In fact I threw it away after smoking a half and I told myself that this is it, no more. I still remember its horrible taste and I also am able to mentally explain to myself the senselessness of smoking. I know that I can cope with that already, every week I felt more and more freed and safe, nothing is drawing me toward the little box with the “sticks” filled with nicotine.

Thank you for everything...

For the returned joy of life

Teresa N. Windsor, 2009.06.21   /./././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././

Ailments: allergy to pollens, periodic loss of speech.

I am allergic to almost everything that flowers. My worst reactions are to pollinating trees and grasses, and from March to September is the worst time of year for me. I am struggling like this since the birth of my daughter, when my body strangely lost equilibrium, and that is for over 20 years.

Another serious problem that developed was that with my voice. It just started to gradually vanish. Usually the process was that I would suddenly stop speaking and after a day or two I would just as suddenly be unblocked. With time the situation became worse and the periods of silence grew longer – for example, in May of last year I was speechless for full two weeks, and this certainly was scary. Finally this year I lost my power of speech completely because one month passed and I could not utter a single word.

Medical treatment consisted of taking a strong antibiotic through a period of over ten days. Unfortunately this did not bring any effect. It was so bad that the doctor prescribed speech therapy. During the exercises the therapist held her hand on my throat and I tried to exude some sounds and form them into words.

My doctor said that there is something wrong with my bronchi because the tests show that my vocal chords and practically the whole throat are okay. Still I could not produce sounds. I was struggling terribly to articulate any sounds. In turn such forceful making of sounds was harmful, according to the specialist, and could additionally damage my throat. He thought that my bronchial tubes do not close properly and this causes the blockade – at least that is how I understood it.

Besides, I am a very talkative and sociable person, but in this state – I cannot get a sound out of me. At that point it was really my brother-in-law who talked me into visiting you, Sir. He had earlier taken advantage of biotherapy because of persistent back and knees pain and with his ailments your energy helped right at the first visit.

And, nomen omen, in my case it happed similarly. The influence of the healing energy on my throat was at lightning speed...in just minutes amazing achievement occurred. During this treatment I was to try to speak and minute to minute this was becoming possible. At the beginning I still had a bad hoarseness but I was speaking, and after walking into the waiting room I spoke to my daughter in my own normal voice and this is how it has remained!

The next day, another shock was experienced by my colleagues at work, for whom I could again make time run pleasantly with my garrulity. And I also was able to say very strongly THANK YOU for this amazing and swift return of health. I just wanted to add that I did already have critical moments of breaking down when the prognoses indicated that my communication with the people around me will be done in sign language. And now my voice is strong again and resonant and I can tell everyone about such an effective therapist.

Once again, THANK YOU with all my heart,

Ewa W. Cheektovaga, USA 2009.07.15

/./././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././.Ailments:dislodged disc in middle of back, excruciating pain while sitting and while moving, especially while riding in an automobile or bus.

I must somehow get this off my chest and describe the feelings associated with therapy by Mr. Jaroslawski. I had suffered so much and this dislodged disc had ruined my life. Each movement was halted by indescribable pain in the middle of my back; it was as if someone was cutting with a knife. The worst endeavours were travels by automobile or bus, when jolts caused a growing interior vibration and pain grew to unimaginable proportions...putting this suffering into words is not possible. Sitting at a movie for example even with straightened back, in spite of the back support, was also impossible and after a short while I had to leave the cinema with tears in my eyes. Massages that I tried only made things worse.

One of the discs in my spine dislodged and caused torturous pain. Supposedly some nerve was out on top and every careless movement caused the world to whirl in the rhythm of pain paroxysms. I just could not stand this anymore and I asked the doctors for surgical intervention.

But about a week after talking with the surgeon I ended up at the office of Mr. Wieslaw and I am not sorry for even one of those thousands of kilometres that I had to overcome on the way to see him. Right after the first visit I was literally cut off my feet. I fell apart for some two hours; I was literally falling over, and finally fell into bed and deep sleep. However, after this „sleeping it off” I got a real kick of energy and could get out into the open...I am writing could, even though the more correct expression would be that I had to go out walking to somehow defuse myself. I marched over five kilometres, which earlier would have been impossible for me to do – my legs just carried me on their own.

The next day I should have awakened exhausted, crumpled, aching all over and barely alive because that is how it was previously and after much shorter walks, but I was like newly born. I got SOMETHING, like a supplement of freshly oxygenated blood. All that was unbalanced in me started to fall into place. I could breathe deeply, finally without pain; I felt lightness in my lungs and bronchi.

I knew that my whole body began to regenerate, as if a self-healing process was initiated, as if a new interior created itself. Finally this system of mine, stabilized by Mr. Wieslaw, got involved in renewing the place of my dislodged disc. I was amazingly light, the constant dizziness disappeared, the entire stress disappeared somewhere and I could share my freshly gained joy with all those dearest to me.

Each day it is better, this dislodged disc is returning to its proper place, settling down and the damaged portion of my spine is getting healthier. It is hard for me to believe that the healing process is going so efficiently and quickly...still this is a fact.

Elżbieta S. Vancouver, 2009.09.15


Ailments: arrhythmic heart beat.

I began to feel the arrhythmic heart beat about five years ago. Along with this irregular beat my blood pressure kept rising.

At that time I drank a lot of coffee and ever stronger until one day when I was coming back from shopping I felt a swift beat, even sudden jumps of my heart. Instead of home I ended up in the hospital at Intensive Therapy. My pulse then was over 150 per minute and the blood pressure exceeded 180/100. I was given a hospital bed right away and medicine to lower the blood pressure. Ever since that moment such pills became my everyday reality. Those were various drugs, in various doses but they did not cause the best effects.

In truth I had a fluctuating blood pressure – sometimes better and sometimes worse, but with time only the worse remained; the blood pressure kept rising. During the last year (I was taking only one pill in the morning and two in the evening, but these helped only for several hours) my measurements remained at the level of 220/108 – I can say that when the measurement showed 190/100 it was a rather good result for me.

I would get up in the morning (of course after taking pills) and already felt dizzy, so I measured my blood pressure and it would show for example 198/105, or saying it jokingly still quite good for my capabilities. But jokes aside, I was in fact constantly living at the edge of a heart attack or a stroke.

It was then that I read in a newspaper an article about Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski and the healings caused by him. I made an appointment right away and...already after the first energy session it was better. The blood pressure and mood improved decidedly. I did not want to take risks anymore so I had five visits that were fascinating meetings with bioenergy. During these sessions I found out that serious energy blockings include my kidneys and liver. The therapy results exceeded my expectations.

At present I do not take any pills, and my blood pressure completely returned to normal. I measure it regularly morning and night - the morning measurements show 117-120/77-78, and the evening ones stay within 120-130/79-80; this means they are like thaose for a completely healthy person and that is exactly how I feel.

I have an impression that I am at least 10 years younger now. Previously I walked, or rather dragged on with a clear pressure in the lower part of my back and I got tired quickly. And now, by comparison, two days after the first visit with you, Sir, I went shopping and almost flew, nothing hurt and my steps were springy – it was a pleasure to walk and not torment as previously.

I hope this state continues! Thank you because I believe and know that regaining health and wonderful frame of mind came about thanks to your healing energy.

Grateful, Bogumiła P. Toronto, 2009.10.27


Ailments: Allergy, loss of voice.
I am allergic to almost everything that blooms.
My worst reaction is to pollinating trees and grasses. From March to September is my worst period. And I am suffering like this since the birth of my daughter, when my body went through a strange dysfunction and this was over 20 years ago.
Those described ailments are now accompanied by a problem with my voice. It just started to gradually disappear. Usually in the past I suddenly would stop speaking and after a day or two just as suddenly I would start speaking again. With time, however, the situation became worse and the interruptions filled with silence were becoming longer and longer.
In May of last year, for example, I was speechless for two weeks; this in itself was scary. This year I stopped speaking for good because one month passed and I could not utter a single word.
Treatment involved taking a strong antibiotic through a period of over ten days. Unfortunately, this did not bring any results. It was so bad that the doctor recommended speech therapy. During the exercises the therapist held her hand on my throat and I tried to produce some sounds and formulate words.
The doctor said that there is something wrong with my bronchi, because according to tests the voice cords and the entire voice box were okay – still I could not speak. I continued to make huge effort to articulate some single sounds. In turn, such forcing of sounds, according to a specialist, was damaging and could cause additional injury to the throat.
According to the laryngologist, my bronchi do not close properly and this causes a blockade – that is at least how I understood the explanations.
On top of this I like to talk; I am a good humored and somewhat talkative creature, and now I cannot produce any speech.
It was then that my brother-in-law, who had visited Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski, told me about him and in fact talked me into a visit, because he had been seeing him with his pain problems in the back and knees and for his ailments the energy therapy helped already after the first time. In my case it was similar. The therapist took care of my throat and the influence of his energy had lightning-speed effect; within several minutes there was unbelievable progress. During this therapy I was to try to speak and from minute to minute it was becoming possible.
At first I still had a very sore throat, but I spoke. And after leaving the therapist’s room I spoke to my daughter already in my normal voice and that is how it remained.
The next day my colleagues at work had a shock – I could easily fill time with my talkativeness. I was able to say to Mister Jaroslawski in a strong voice THANK YOU for all the wonderful and quick healing….because before visiting him it seemed that I will not say a word to the end of my life.
I also must say that I did have moments of serious break-down when all prognoses indicated that my future communication with people around me will be in sign language.
And now my voice is strong again and ringing and I can tell everyone of such a wonderful therapist.
Once more from all my heart –
Ewa W.                                                   Cheektouaga, USA                                                July 15, 2009


Ailments: High blood pressure, stomach pains, loss of weight, permanent lack of appetite and energy.
Dear Mister Jaroslawski !
In short I want to present my health situation prior to meeting with you, which took place in March of 2009. From 2006 I was faced with the following symptoms:

  1. High blood pressure (220/110)
  2. Stomach pains
  3. Aches all over
  4. Very frequent bowel movements (3-6 times a day)
  5. Loss of weight
  6. Constant lack of appetite and energy

Medications applied by doctors did not bring any effects – on the contrary, these deepened the earlier symptoms.
Such was my state of health and my wellbeing was hopeless and I have to admit that psychologically I was a wreck. It was then, like a star from the sky, the information came to me about arrival from Toronto of the famous bioenergy therapist Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. Let me repeat, this was in March of 2009, because this is an important date, which brought real and positive changes in my health situation.
Four times I took advantage of the energy procedure. During these sessions I found out that serious energy blocks include the area of my kidneys and liver, and results of the therapy exceeded my expectations. I felt much better; I was as if reborn.
In order to include the whole situation, I should add that in July 2009 I again took part in four meetings with you. As a result of all these bioenergy therapy procedures my health improved. Today I can certainly say that the aches I suffered for years stopped to exist.
And so:
- Blood pressure returned to normal
- number of bowel movements reduced to one daily (sometimes two)
- stomach pains almost disappeared and other once frequent aches
- my appetite returned and my weight stabilized at normal level
- I regained energy and the will to live
What also is very important – I finally began to sleep and my horrible nights are now filled with peaceful and joyous dreams. This means that my psyche is reborn and stronger and I can again enjoy the everyday small moments of joy that build each day my good humor.
During the last visit you also had assured me that the functions of the kidneys and liver returned to normal – which I can feel myself as well.
Thanks to you I can enjoy as before the fullness of psychic and physical efficiency, for which I am grateful most sincerely, even these are modest words and do not reflect fully what I would like to express.
Anna K.
July 25,2009


Ailment: Thermal allergy.
Dear Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski
I apologize that almost a year from our meeting I did not contact you but I wanted to be certain that my ailment, thermal allergy (urticaria hives), will not come back. This illness is demonstrated with a very itching rash and swelling all over the body and even blisters filled with fluid.
This ailment started to develop about 20 years ago when I was in Poland. My specialized treatments also started there. Then specialists in Canada took over. I took different medications but these helped for very short periods and they also had side effects.
Let me describe more closely the nature of my ailment. Before each change of the weather there came an attack. I was like a forecaster; when rain was coming, on my skin, especially on my thighs and under the knees, would appear an itchy and searing rash which would turn into blisters filled with fluid. On top of this my body temperature grew to 40 degrees Celsius. I could forecast the coming rain three days in advance. After this time would come the overwhelming attack of the thermal allergy.
These blisters under my knees made it impossible for me to move about and I could only lie in fever like some wreck. It was not possible to work and this added more stress.
I lived in constant fear that any moment could come another attack of these horrible “hives”, which entirely eliminated me from normal life and doing necessary everyday chores. A very radical change for the better came after meeting you Sir. I visited your office twice during the past year and the energy therapies which I had definitely ended my horror. A year has passed (!) and no bad symptoms appeared.
Such a quick positive result, closing my suffering of twenty years, still seems to me to be some miracle dream, from which I am wakening up and …. I still am healthy, nothing bothers me, and my disbelief is changing into being sure that this has happened because of the healing energy that you have.
I would like to thank you sincerely in this letter even though these simple words cannot illustrate the depth of my gratitude.
Jacek J.
Hamilton, Ont., 18.09.2009


Ailments: Arrhythmic heart beat, high blood pressure.
Some five years ago I started to sense arrhythmic heart beat. Together with this uneven beat my blood pressure rose.
At that time I drank a lot of coffee and I made it more and more strong, until one day when I was returning from shopping I felt quick beats or even banging of the heart.
Instead of going home I ended up in an Emergency Ward; my pulse was over 150 per minute and the blood pressure exceeded 180/100. I was immediately accepted to the hospital and given drugs to lower the pressure.
From that moment such pills came into my everyday life. These were various drugs, in different doses, but they did not cause the best results. In fact I had a jumping blood pressure, once better once worse, but with time only the worsening state was left, the blood pressure continued to climb.
During the last year (I was already taking 1 tablet in the morning and 2 in the evening, but these helped only for a few hours) my measurements stayed at the level of 220/108 – I can say that when I had 190/100 it was quite good for me. I would get up in the morning (after taking pills of course) and I felt dizzy. So, I would measure my blood pressure and 198/100 would appear; jokingly quite well for my capabilities. In fact I continuously lived at the edge of a heart attack, or a stroke.
It was then that I read an article in a newspaper about Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski and the healings caused by him. I made an appointment right away and already after the first therapeutic session it was better. Both the blood pressure and total condition definitely improved. I did not want to take a risk any more so I had five visits, fascinating meetings with bioenergy.
Now I am not taking any more pills and my blood pressure returned to normal. I measure it regularly in the morning and in the evening and so: the morning measurements are 117-120/77-78, and the evening ones stay within the range of 127-130/79-80, so they are just as a completely healthy person should have and this is how I feel. I have the impression that I am younger by at least 10 years.
Before I walked, or rather dragged my feet, with a clear pressure felt in the bottom part of my back and I grew tired quickly. Now, by comparison, two days after my first session with you I went shopping and almost flew, nothing ached. I moved energetically, it was a pleasure and not a chore as before.
And I hope this will continue! Thank you because I trust and know that regaining health and great wellbeing came about because of your wonderful healing energy. 
Bogumila P.
Toronto, 27.10.2009


Ailment: Tumor inside uterus.
I am 25 years old. Several months ago I had traditional check-up at my family doctor’s. Then I felt a slight pain when the doctor pressed on my stomach. This reaction caused the prescription of an ultrasound exam. To check if everything was okay.
Unfortunately it was not. The results indicated the existence of a defined tumor inside my uterus – the type of this tumor was not known, initially described as a cyst or fibroid. And the doctor prescribed more tests to get answers on what it was that attacked me and what the next steps should be.
That same day my mother made an appointment for me to see Mister Jaroslawski. And right after the first meeting I decided that I want to maintain this type of energy therapy and I made an appointment for the next day.
In the following week I organized dates of the test appointments, but in a way that would leave more time for the bioenergy therapy sessions and to find out what their effect will be. Most of all I wanted to avoid the threat of an operation which hung over me.
During the second visit I began to clearly feel an energy flow. To illustrate this – I felt as if my stomach was “in flames”. And such a feeling of energy flow accompanies me during all sessions with Mister Wieslaw. There was a total of six. Finally it was time for my ultrasound tests. The technician who did these was the same lady who had checked me the first time. She then knew what to look for, but to be sure she looked at the results of that test, and then set the apparatus precisely as to make deep and precise focuses on the cyst in my uterus.
The following day my family doctor called me and asked me visit him right away because he has to talk to me.
Immediately the worst thought came over me because it is obvious that lack of news is good news.  So I gathered all my strength and went to see him, however a certainly was not ready for what I heard. All the ultrasound tests did not show any trace of the tumor. Nothing bad or dangerous was found!
I almost fell off the chair when I understood the news.
Immediately I called my parents to share my joy. It was difficult for us to understand that my dangerous problem simply disappeared in such a short time, but at the same time this was the most wonderful news that I could receive. And I owe all this to the energy therapy done by Mister Jaroslawski.
I also decided that even though my treatment is finished to visit the clinic every few months so as to feel safe and be sure that nothing bad will repeat itself. It is difficult for me to describe how deeply grateful I am. But I will certainly keep this feeling always.
Monika S.  - Hamilton, Ontario,05.02.2010


Ailments: Skin rash, hot flashes, shoulder pains, cyst on a kidney, uterus fibroids.
This description contains carefully gathered and registered facts from the course of the energy therapy, which I went through during the last six months under the care of Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski.
My health problems began to grow about the beginning of September 2009; a rash had developed on my skin. It was worst on my hands and legs. Reddish-gray blotches formed and with time I had on me more and more reddish-pink pimples.
This rash was itchy and was stubbornly on me. I used herbal preparations but for weeks there was no change.  It might happen that these red blotches would become a little lighter, however already the next day they would appear in another place. So my whole arms were covered all the way to my shoulders. The same thing happened on my legs, with the most on the shins.
And I also suffered from hot flashes. I am 56 years old and these attacks got me down for over two years, regularly every half an hour. Maybe this will sound silly, but I dreamed of getting into a refrigerator to cool down, and as a substitute continuously used electric fans.
This set of ailments influenced me to make the decision to make an appointment to see Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski.
And what is intriguing, already after the first meeting my hot flashes practically disappeared. The horrible cycle that gave dozens of attacks every half an hour during my everyday activities changed into maybe three light ones during the entire twenty-four hours. I am so happy with the disappearance of the hot flashes because I was sure that I would have to suffer with them to the end of my life. For a short time they would appear sporadically and mildly until after the next few sessions they disappeared for good.
On the other hand, the awful blotches appeared still after the second energy procedure. Then Mister Wiesław, unsatisfied from to-date effects promised that after this one, the third session, the rash should begin to recede.
And this is just what happened. The following sessions put everything in order. My skin continued to clean itself. The blotches were becoming lighter and fewer until finally they left me entirely.
Several weeks have passed and my skin is without traces of those changes and the hot flashes are history.
I must mention that already at the beginning Mister Jaroslawski had said that the ugly blotches are caused by inefficient liver. In fact, tests in 2008 showed that I have some blotches on it and some small flaws. But the present ultrasound test done in January of 2010, after the skin rash disappeared, showed that all changes in the liver tissue had disappeared.
There also were other health issues, maybe less important but still the therapist , during the first meeting, drew attention to my shoulders asking if I do not feel pain in them, and I was then wondering if I did not pull a muscle there, because they were aching. This discomfort disappeared entirely after the second session.
I am mentioning this to show the precision and even detailing during the analysis of the energy state of my health, from which Mister Wieslaw started the therapy.
Another internal problem was the existence on my right kidney of a cyst (this was confirmed by the X-ray of 2008). This problem Mister Jaroslawski’s energy also overcame. A test this year assured mi that the kidneys are okay. The tumor became so small that it is not considered by doctors to be a worrying symptom.
And for the end I left another essential ailment. I had an operation 18 years ago on uterus fibroids. At that time I learned that the uterus was enlarged as during a four and a half month pregnancy. I had seven fibroids in diameters from a walnut to an orange.
The surgeon then informed me that these fibroids will grow again because I have a genetic tendency for their formation. It did happen after eight years. My doctor at that time insisted that I was five months pregnant and did not believe that there was a fibroid problem. Finally an ultrasound confirmed my version. In this situation the doctor recommended an operation for the total removal of the genitals (Misterectomy). This I wanted to avoid at all costs. I tried different methods of self-healing and I was able to achieve a decrease of the stomach but the problem still remained.
Ultrasound tests in 2008 showed that the uterus still is thickened and has small fibroids. Then I could still feel them through the skin of my stomach.
It was Mister Jaroslawski who finally dealt with this problem completely. I observed the effectiveness of his actions within two months of rather regular sessions. During this time when I checked myself manually I could not feel any changes around my stomach. I was happy but still with slight disbelief I went for an ultrasound test, which entirely confirmed my hopes. The uterus was flattened by half; in fact it returned to the proper dimension, and of the fibroids only one tiny one was left, located in the back. This was huge progress!

My stomach is flat. I can easily perform exercises to maintain good condition. I feel great and I have a lot more energy.
In summary, thanks to the bioenergy therapy sessions with Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski I regained full strength and health.
Thousand times thank you
Grażyna A.
Toronto, Ontario 09.02.2010


Ailment: Strong pain after a fall – from base of skull to upper part of back.
My health problem started after I fell down on stairs which I was climbing while carrying a heavy computer base of discs. I fell on my forearms but the weight of the carried load caused a sharp pull upward in my shoulders. The next day I felt strong pain from the base of my skull to the upper part of my back and could hardly raise my arms or turn my head. During the next nine weeks I waited for treatment of these injuries, but the strong pain and stiffness persisted and pierced me from the neck through the shoulders all the way to my back. The pain was so sharp that it often interrupted my sleep.
In such a state I made an appointment to see Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. The therapist conducted comprehensive energy process, concentrating later on the most painful to me area of the neck, shoulders and back, which took about a quarter of an hour. At first, right after the meeting, I did not feel anything special, but in the next three days I experienced greater pain, but the area of where it occurred was getting smaller. The third day I still had a stress headache but this occurred in its small part, about the size of a fist. The fourth day about noon I noticed that the stiffness and pain disappeared. Again I could easily raise my shoulders and turn my head, just as well as before the accident. All the bad symptoms disappeared with unprecedented speed.
I am truly grateful for what Mister Wieslaw has done. The entire energy therapy was pleasant and delicate and the effect in my case came unbelievably quickly.

With words of the greatest esteem,
Angela W.
London, Ontario, 10.04.2010


Ailments: Scoliosis of the spine, strong pain in lower extremities, numbness of legs and hips, persistent stomach pains.
I am a 48-years old woman. My main health problem is an ailing spine, and the problem started 40 years ago – scoliosis.

I already had two operations necessary to stop the galloping process of bending and turning of the spinal column. Despite these supposedly successful surgical procedures, the problem of pain, tiredness and similar attractions remains and for many years I am taking pain killers – and to these “attractions” should be added persistent stomach pains. Each morning I would wake up with such a strong pain in the extremities, accompanied by numbness of the hips and legs that I would ask myself if I could stand on my feet. And when I would get myself out of bed then my daughter who observed my efforts would say: “Mom you walk like an elephant”.
My day started about noon because that is how much time it took to put myself together – which does not mean that I slept till noon.
I was stuck in deep depression.
All the positive changes began right after the first visit with Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. They were as if in a good fairytale in which I had a part. Improvement of my health was swift and very clear.
After the second energy treatment I awoke without pain in the legs! And that is how it is now. Every day I awake in the morning happy and still somewhat surprised that years of pain are gone and I can lightly get up to everyday chores – my day grew longer significantly, in a positive sense of the word.
Now I go for long walks and the persons with whom I have regular contacts see a clear positive difference in the way I move.
Oh, and the unfortunate stomach, which had bothered me so much, also settled down. The problem with it was that the constrictor muscle that prevents food from flowing back did not close completely, which was very burdensome and very often I was plagued by stomach pains. Today I can say that I also forgot about these problems.
I was reducing doses of pain killers by half, and if I am touching them, it is more from fear, or slight disbelief that after so many years of using them I may not need them. Deep in my soul I do know that I can do without them.
My last visit with a doctor was so characteristic that I would like to describe it. Well, an assistant met with me, also a doctor, who saw me for the first time and after looking through the entire documentation asked directly – why did you really come?, because there is no indication of anything being wrong - and this speaks for itself.
And here I can only add – thank you sincerely to the one who caused my return to health – Mister Wiesław Jaroslawski.
Barbara L.
London, Ontario, 20.06.2010


Ailments: Skin cancer, arthritis.
I am an 83-year old man burdened with ailments but the most serious one is cancer of the skin and arthritis.
These cancerous changes of the skin on my forearm had been removed surgically last year. Unfortunately, the dangerous cells began to grow again, this time on my ear.
I desperately sought help and then an acquaintance convinced me to visit Mister Wiesław Jarosławski. I went, but without much hope, more so for her peace of mind.
I was in a bad psychological state and each morning as I awoke I would touch with horror this nasty growth on my ear, seeing how fast it is growing.
Despite my skepticism, already after the first therapy meeting there was a result that was hard to describe because the word exceptional seems too bleak to me.
Well, after three, or maybe four, days from the visit, as usually in the morning, after waking up, I automatically touched my ear and I could not feel that thing, nor find it. That growth which had already been quite large simply disappeared without a trace. And I simply was reborn, in general I feel great and, by the way, the aches in the joints also disappeared!
Friends just cannot recognize me because now even my voice is stronger and I feel like making jokes.
And I owe all this to Mister Jarosławski,
To whom I am hugely grateful,
Jan B.
London, Ontario, 20 June 2010


Ailments: Deep depression, high blood pressure
My name is Antoaneta and I have already passed sixty, and life has not been spoiling me. In fact, I had some really hard times and as a result of a pile up of stressful situations, my nervous system could not take it anymore, in 2006 I was diagnosed with serious depression, which was accompanied by raised blood pressure. A good level for me was 165/100 – which illustrated high blood pressure ailment. I could not sleep and often I would cry through the whole day and was completely unfit for work.

The family doctor gave me various types of sedatives, but these gave no effects. I struggled like this and for quite long because since the beginning of 2009. It was then that I met a friend of long ago and cried in front of her, telling her about all my problems, and she said that she knew a therapist who will take care of my problems. It was Wieslaw Jaroslawski.

I made an appointment immediately to see him in February of 2010 and I had a total of four sessions in four weeks. While taking advantage of them and shortly after finishing them I did not feel greater changes …. But about two weeks later there was speedy improvement. I felt healthy and strong, full of yearning for life. I finally began to sleep with a good deep sleep. Tears disappeared from my daily life and the blood pressure dropped significantly. From a depressive person I became a joyous one.

Now, in September 2010, seven months after completing the energy therapy, my blood pressure is staying consistently at the level of 115/70, I continue to sleep well, and the depression is a bad memory.

And I am grateful for all this to Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski, who was able to unblock my organism during four therapeutic sessions, fill it with healthy positively-effective energy and so heal my psyche and change my life for the better.

All the words of gratitude seem to me too bleak – maybe only this statement will be an indication to all other persons, similarly suffering, where to seek help.

Anoaneta L.
Toronto, 28.09.2010


Ailments:Serious brain damage after an accident at age 6, lack of full sight and hearing, speech defect, lack of capability to take in solid foods.
On 24 November 2006, together with my son I was in a serious traffic accident. As a result Brandon, who was six years old then, had suffered several brain injuries and fell into a comma. It lasted for several months and when he woke up, which was a joyous moment, it soon turned out that he does not see or hear, he is very weak and is delayed in development and in understanding information from the surroundings.
After further tests, as far as possible, some more details were brought out – he could not see with his right eye, could not hear anything at all with his right ear, is not able to take in solid foods (could not swallow), and his speech is impaired. The sounds Branden was able to make were mumbled and very quiet. It could be said that he whispered single words with great difficulty. He could see a bit and hear a little on the left side.
After the accident he spent a year in the hospital and I was next to his bed every day. I really did not notice any improvements. But after this period he was sent home. It was then that the fight for his recovery really began. Through the next three years it was a tedious rehabilitation struggle for his activation.
There was progress but very slow. My son continued to be almost deaf (he could not hear anything at all with his right ear), his sight was impaired (it was hard to describe what and how he noticed), he still could not swallow and did not speak.
Time went by and prognoses from medical specialists indicated that such a state may continue to the end of his life. They only gave him hearing aids and special eye contacts, which aids were to accompany him forever and which in fact did not really help much.
Still, hope did not leave me; I believed that something good will happen yet. One day I reached the office of a therapist involved in holistic medicine. She was not only nice but above all open to various unconventional treatment methods. I told her exactly about all our bad experiences. And she recommended a person who had healed her seventeen years old daughter after a brain damage caused by a fall from a great height. Full of life and energy Shazia was then in a comma for three weeks; had a trepanation of the skull and long after that there was pain, disorientation, movement and memory limitation, and loss of sensitivity in the entire head.
All these problems disappeared completely only when she came under the care of the biotherapist Wiesław Jaroslawski. This person also fulfilled my hope for healing Branden.
Already from the first glance I was captured by warmth and goodwill, which just radiated from him. With all honesty I presented to him the medical prognoses that were robbing us of hope and he, after an initial check of my son, after which he very precisely described all his injuries, smiled and said that he certainly will help him.

Session of forwarding energy began. After the second session I noticed that my son is beginning to hear better and I took off his hearing aids. What’s more, after the next meeting with Mister Wieslaw he started to eat normally, and now he munches and swallows everything that I give him. He also started to speak and is great in that.
After the fifth use of energy Brendan’s teacher asked me to come to school and informed me that he suddenly started to speak very loudly and clearly in full sentences to a friend during class. From a mute he transformed into an avid talker. She really should have punished him for talking during class but knowing his problems she allowed him to behave like this and, being surprised herself, passed this information on to me.
It was then that I took my son for hearing tests to a laryngologist recognized as the best in Ontario. I must say that I left his office in shock. I had received the most wonderful and exceptional news. The doctor said that Branden’s both ears, and this also means the right ear in which he had no hearing at all, now have the full range of hearing – which meant that he will never need hearing aids!!!
In his eyesight there also is colossal improvement; he already reads letters and texts, which he previously could not recognize and even with my help he did not gather their full sense.
To people who see him he finally appears as a normal and healthy ten-year old boy, but my husband and I know that we owe this only to this wonderful energy therapy, which he received from Mister Jarosławski.
That is why I happily write this statement and add the simple word THANK YOU, because I do not know how to describe the huge gratitude and joy that fill us.
Diane R. (Branden’s mother)
Mississauga, 21.10.2010


Ailment: Problem with achieving pregnancy.
This will be a joyous confirmation of the therapeutic capabilities of Mister Wiesław Jarosławski in treating infertility. We are a young married couple and we wanted a child very much.
Time flew, two years passed, we were healthy, all medical tests confirmed our capability of becoming parents – but we could not achieve the desired pregnancy.
We even started to think through the „in vitro” method but then my mother saved us.
She knew well the healing effectiveness of Mister Wiesław. She  was his patient and after several visits achieved very clear improvement in her ailments and convinced me to make an appointment for energy therapy by him.
All this took place in November and two visits were sufficient for him to regulate my body .... and already in January I was able to joyfully inform my mother that she will be a Grandmother.
Without any complications I gave birth to a beautiful girl and it was the therapy that helped me in fulfilling the sweetest dream. The child is very healthy and is developing wonderfully.
And I am looking at her and writing, in my own name and my husband’s, these words of gratitude directed to Mister Jaroslawski.
Agata F.
Oakville, 2 November 2010


Ailments: Wife – arthritis, problem with kidneys, high blood pressure. Husband – chronic sleeplessness, pain in the area of the pancreas.

Eight years ago I was diagnosed with „rheumatoid arthritis”. My feet and hands were affected. I could not even raise a glass of water, and making a few steps caused intense pain.  Being stuffed with various tablets from “a specialist” did not help.
I set aside the pills and started to look for alternative solutions. I start from Chinese herbs and acupuncture. The application of needles was very intense and expensive and lasted a whole year. At first it did help some but it did not lead to healing. The pain in hands and legs that was slightly muted again started to grow and with time became worse.
My shoulders were caught in such intense pain that I could not sleep, put on clothes in the morning or even raise my hands.
And then I read an article in the newspaper about Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. It was March of 2010 and even though I was tormented by doubts, if he will be able to help me, and I made the appointment – I certainly had nothing to lose.
Towards the end of the first session Mister Wieslaw asked me to move my hand and check if it still hurts. Then the left shoulder blade hurt the most. Full of disbelief I clenched my teeth and obediently swung …… and I was totally surprised. My hand flew up without any hindrance or pain! This was a miracle! The energy analysis of the state of my health conducted by Mister Jaroslawski indicated that I had a problem with my kidneys. I did not know that this is so serious – even though I could suspect something after frequent infections of the bladder. Besides this I was burdened with high blood pressure for which I had taken pills in the last four years. After three bioenergy sessions my blood pressure started to fall radically; so now I take ¼ of my initial dosage.
My joints in feet and hands do not cause me pain and I even can run.
Let me say a few words about my husband. He is a truck driver and probably in connection with the type of work he had suffered chronic lack of sleep, which appeared as constant tiredness.
In addition, he developed pain in the area of the pancreas. During the checking done by Mister Jaroslawski it became evident that a strong energy block formed there. All of my husband’s ailments were resolved by the therapist during only one session;
From that moment my husband slept like a child without any worries; and there is no such thing as painful areas.
The capacity of Mister Jaroslawski is for us a huge gift; the most miraculous that happened in our life.
Wanting to somehow express gratitude I am writing this letter with joy. My fingers, hands and shoulders do not ache – not even a bit! May my description of these facts be my expression of our gratitude for such quick and full return of health.

Zofia and Peter Sz.
London, Ontario – 6 November 2010


Ailments: (boy age 1 year and 8 months) – heavy asthmatic breathing after croup, high temperature increases.

My small son Martyn became ill with croup when he had 6 months and right after that ended he started to breathe heavily and asthmatically, so hard that he could be heard in the entire apartment.
The doctor who checked him said that this will go away with time, however, it was quite the opposite, it kept getting worse.
When he was one year old he also kept getting high temperature increases. This would happen at night and during the day the temperature would fall. Our son’ breath was continuously heavy and loud.
Then I went with Martyn to see Mister Jaroslawski. It was June of 2006 and my son had one year and eight months.
I was very surprised that the entire therapy was completed in two sessions. Already after the first energy treatment he started to breathe easier and the night-time temperatures went away. During the second visit we had taken my eight-year old daughter along and she witnessed the energy treatment of her brother. She was awe struck and later commented: “That man was like a magician” – because during this concentration on Martyn, the child suddenly coughed and after a moment his breathing became peaceful, steady and returned to a normal state. From that moment Martyn has been breathing like a normal healthy child. At the moment I am writing this letter my son is already six years old and is a very active boy without any illnesses.
I described this whole history upon such a delay but now I am one hundred percent certain that the positive treatment by Mister Wieslaw was effective permanently.
I am expressing sincerest gratitude
of a very happy mother of Martyn,
Anna G.
Georgetown, 23.11.2010


Ailments: (4,5 months old Aubrey) – born with one kidney that was covered in 30% with cysts, and this was accompanied by profusion of fluid (hydronephrosis).
This is the tale of a happy mother who wants to put on paper the feelings of joy and gratitude swelling in her.
Everything is connected with my daughter Aubrey (4,5 months), who was born with only one kidney and on it there was a cyst that covered 30% of its surface. In fact there were many small cysts gathered on this area of such a small kidney.
Much not needed fluid accumulated in this kidney (hydronerphosis). The fate of my little one looked very gloomy – I didn’t even dare think of the worst because she could not live without kidneys. The first ultrasound Aubrey had done when she had just one month. Doctors gave her an antibiotic in liquid form to prevent infection in the area of the kidneys. At the start it was a dose of 0.5 ml and gradually increased to 1.1 ml. Maybe an infection was deterred but the main problem still existed….until the moment when I ended up together with my daughter at the office of Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. This was arranged by my aunt who had earlier experienced the healing power of this therapist. And after that events occurred quickly: the first visit was when Aubrey had two months, the next when she had two and a half and the third and last one when she had three months.
And when she had four months she was subjected to ultrasound scan and after it the completely surprised doctor who evaluated the scan said: I do not know what happened. Maybe this was not a cyst? The entire cluster of small cysts that covered my daughter’s only kidney had disappeared. The unhealthy fluid also disappeared. Only two trace blemishes were registered and the doctor was figuring out if these could be the traces left after the cysts and fluid. Well my daughter’s only kidney returned to full efficiency!!! Another ultrasound scan awaits my little one after a year, or later, and I could not be happier.
Aubrey is healthy and I want everyone to know that she owes this to the miraculous and beneficial effects of Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski’s energy because such information may be the rescue for many suffering, searching sometimes for the last resort.
Maybe this is how I will be able to express my immeasurable gratitude.
Angela G. (mother of Aubrey)
Guelph, Ontario, 04.12.2010

Ailments: Wounds after Caesarian Section which are not healing; large hardened spot on the left side of the abdomen
Good morning Mr. Wieslaw!
I am 31 years old, I live in Bytom in Poland and I have three children. Two sons are 12 and 10 years old, and my daughter was born in July of 2006.
I gave birth to my daughter by Caesarian Section. It was on 24 July 2006. After five days I should have left the hospital to go home. Unfortunately I stayed until 18 August 2006. The wound left after the Caesarian Section was not healing properly. Blood and puss kept flowing out of it. Drains were put into my abdomen.
Above the wound left after the Caesarian Section, on the left side of the abdomen, something like an “infiltration” developed. It was hard – like a stone and about 10 cm in size.
In the hospital I was told to keep this „infiltration” warm with a hot water bag, heat ointments and heating lamps. I also took globules that were to dissolve this infiltration from the inside. Unfortunately there were no positive effects. A biopsy was also made for further study of this “infiltration” and as a result another hole was made from which serum fluid started to come out.
I was released from the hospital in a bad state with unhealed wounds. Necrosis developed In the Caesarian Section wound. After slow removal of the dead cells and cleaning the wound with ACTISORB PLUS plasters and POLSEPTOL creams, after three months from giving birth this wound finally began to heal and close up.
At the same time the battle with this new wound on the „infiltration” was continuing. Necrosis also developed there. So much dead tissue was being removed and from such depth that in the end it was possible to put a tangerine into it.
This „hole” was being cleaned with IRUXOL ointment, 10% salt, vitamin C, POLSEPTOL and the wound was slowly getting cleaned, however, this hard „infiltration” still remained under the skin.
A doctor suggested the necessity for doing surgery to cut out this infiltration totally because it still was like a stone and did not get smaller at all. The surgeon informed me that treatment without surgery in my case may last about a year and without guarantee for success.
I thought that I have no other choice and I agreed to this proposal. I first had to make arrangements regarding care of my newborn daughter and the date for this surgery was set after a month; this was at the end of October 2006.
But about in mid October, during a late evening, I felt really strange. I was very dizzy, almost wobbling. I felt and heard noise in my head and at the same time this was like swaying. My head did not hurt. I had slept well and I was rested and wasn’t hungry, so even more I did not understand what was happening with me. At the same time of this strange “disorientation” in my head I felt a sharp pain in the “infiltration”, which was different than anything before. This place had not been painful; I was only bothered by some discomfort because of the bandages I had to wear.
Now, this sudden pain got me terribly worried and caused me to „bend in half”. I felt exactly as if someone had shot me through in this place. My left kidney felt painful. The pain was pulsating and tugging. No relief came from lying down, massage of the back – nothing.
There also came a burning sensation in the „infiltration” and a kind of tugging. After a while the pain ceased as if nothing had happened. I wasn’t able to comprehend what had just happened; I didn’t even gather my thought before the same thing reoccurred, after a few minutes. It came back several times but the most painful were the first two „attacks”. Gradually the pain was becoming less strong and after about two hours of such recurring experiences nothing more happened.
The next day my sister called and said that my mother, who lives in Toronto (Etobicoke), had visited your clinic just before my somewhat shocking sensations. She also said that you had been sending me energy, which was to help me to recover my health. I was even more disoriented because I did not know anything about it and I had no idea what to think of it. I was not able to believe that at such great distance you could send me energy that would heal me?! I also did not know if I could believe any of this?
However, I kept returning to what I had experienced the day before, to the strange pain that appeared so suddenly, to the dizziness and I thought – there must be something in all this.
During several days that followed I experiences frequent headaches and pain in the “infiltration” and each time I felt as of this pain was shooting all the way through me.
You had been sending me your energy, which caused the impossible to become possible. This was confirmed by observations made by the surgeon whom I visited systematically. He was the first to say that „Something has sewed itself” – because on this wound besides bandages there was no other treatment.
The doctor observed me with special attention until one day he said: “Dear Madame, I don’t know what is going on here but we have nothing to treat anymore. The problem is almost over.”
This whole unfortunate “infiltration” that was for months invariably hard as a stone and didn’t budge now within about a dozen days just dissolved and the wound healed beautifully. When I saw that no more serum fluid was coming out of it I cried for joy because this meant that a layer of skin appeared and my horror ended.
Whatever I felt then, these were only positive emotions, which I wanted to forward to you because it suddenly became absolutely clear to me that it was you who healed me. Through many long weeks, even months, I kept touching my abdomen and it continued to be so hard and ill. It was breaking me up. The perspective of surgery was the last drop in my cup of tears.
Still, the good fate brought my Mother in touch with you, and then you with me. You helped me not only to heal my body, but also my soul, because I again started to believe in people. Thank you with all my heart for becoming involved and using the gift that you have in order to heal me. Thank you in my own name, that of my family who together with me lived through my drama. Finally we can sleep peacefully.
I express my wish that such people as me could find you and become convinced that even at such a long distance one human being can help another.
I command you to good thoughts and prayers,
Kind regards,
Monika W-T.
Bytom (Poland), 10 December, 2006.

Ailments:  Cancer of lymphatic vessels
Letter written by Barbara P. (mother-in-law of Zoi P. from Mississauga) - in Warsaw, 01.03.2008.
This story started just at the beginning of 2007. I had then received a phone call from my daughter who lives in Canada in which she asked me to come immediately because her husband is dying. At that time the word CANCER was used and the fear that people feel just by hearing that word also came upon me. It is well known that this illness gathers ever growing numbers of victims and its causes may be searched in improper nutrition, excessive use of stimulants, environmental pollution and God knows where else.
My son-in-law became ill with blood cancer, and more exactly cancer of lymphatic vessels. This sickness developed for seven years, and the therapy was chemistry in pills, which brought only momentary improvement. With time the cancer cells mutated and started to attack the entire body. Suddenly high fever came and it lasted very long.
This coincided with a trip to The Bahamas where my daughter and her husband were diving. At first the doctors looked for a source of infection in his body that could be connected to this sport. At the last moment they discovered the real cause of such significant rise of body temperature. They did surgery during which they cut out his spleen and a part of the pancreas. The state of my son-in-law was so critical that the doctor decided to give him only a half of the dosage of chemistry which is usually given with this type of treatment. The fight for Zoi’s life began.
When I reached Toronto the doctors did not give him any chances and said that he will die within seven months.
In all this hopelessness and despair my daughter remembered Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski who had helped her previously with alleviating a problem that had plagued her for years. She had then serious problems with her spine and a furious paralyzing pain in the left leg, all the way to the foot. She was faced with the prospect of spinal surgery but without any guarantees for success, so she had chosen existence with constant swallowing of the strongest pain killers. Her problem was resolved by Mister Wieslaw during several visits. My son-in-law had at that time a stiffening of toes so on occasion of my daughter’s therapy visits he also took advantage of Mister Wieslaw’s help and the problem went away.
Now the therapist was to cope with a significantly more serious problem and with hopeless medical prognoses. He did not refuse our plea and began to come to Zoi – regularly twice a week for three months, starting right after my son-in-law was given that new chemical therapy.
I observed everyday how the systematic improvement started and I saw the surprised doctor who in disbelief evaluated such quick regaining of strength by Zoi – even though medically he was not given any prognosis for survival. Finally he said that the patient’s organism must be very strong.
In the following months Mister Jaroslaw came once a week and Zoi was feeling much better so he kept asking for more visits.
From week to week the patient was getting better, returning to previous weight and the doctors throughout the hospital talked about his case. At the hardest moments Mister Wieslaw would also send energy from a distance. And I constantly and day to day observed the effects of his actions, while constantly taking care of my son-in-law. Now I know and in one hundred percent that if it were not for his wonderful energy support that was forwarded systematically Zoi would not have survived those doses of chemistry that were also destroying the healthy cells. And in this way he survived this heavy process surprisingly peacefully…over fifteen months have passed and he is alive!
Test results are good. As I mentioned, after a period of being extremely thin he returned to his normal weight and lives like a completely healthy man.
The doctors still can’t believe in this so very positive change. They also do not try to make logical comments on the course of the treatment process, at the beginning of which they had categorically taken hope away from Zoi. The only thing I kept hearing was that my son-in-law has an unusually strong organism.
But I know exactly to whom he owes the return to good health because I nursed him constantly for nine months and observed close up all the positive changes that took place after each visit by Mister Jarosławski.
Oh, I should mention that I took advantage of the occasion and had energy therapy myself; for years I had chronic pain in my knee. In my case two sessions were sufficient and I entirely forgot that it ever was ill. But this is just a trifle in comparison with the healing progress that my daughter’s husband experienced.
For this Mister Wieslaw I have unlimited gratitude and I thank God everyday that we met you on this difficult road. I pray that you could for the longest time keep on helping people who suffer and to use this huge internal power and its healing action that I myself observed.
Thank you most sincerely
Barbara P.
(letter was written, after returning from Canada, in Warsaw, 01.03.2008)

Ailment: Cyst in the throat, cyst on a kidney, high cholesterol
I am 70 years old and all this ailing of mine started in 2004 – it was then that in my throat a cyst grew; to be exact on the right side. This place was very painful when touched. Another such very painful spot was located over my stomach. Actually I couldn’t even bend – each time I bend over I would have a hard time straightening up and each time I had to wait quite a while until the shot of pain would cease.
Of course I went to the family doctor, who sent me to a specialist for tests. They X-rayed me from head to toe. It turned out that I had another cyst on one kidney. Existence of a large cyst in my throat was also confirmed. The only recommendation was surgery as soon as possible in order to cut out those cysts. I was very afraid of surgery so I said no. I added that the X-rays did not show any changes around my stomach and that was where it was hurting hard as hell. 
More tests showed that cholesterol was significantly higher. The index was 335, which means that it was very high – the doctor said that this gives the risk of a stroke. I am not afraid of death but I felt that it looked into my eyes. The doctor only gave me some pills, which lasted only a week. People advised me to drink wine vinegar with honey. I did this and as a result I lost a lot of weight. I also supplemented nutrition with natural additives such as garlic or onion and I survived somehow.
This year, on 18 April to be precise, I read in the paper about Master of Biotherapy Wieslaw Jaroslawski. The text was so convincing that a made an appointment right away.
Very quickly matters turned positive for my health. My throat with that cyst stopped to hurt already after one week; this, after many months of suffering, was a real blessing. My hurting stomach also improved – at the beginning I still felt it, in the negative sense, but I already could bend down easily. I regained good appetite and finally started to sleep peacefully and deeply.
I had five more visits and everything in my body stabilized, all the pain disappeared – finally I feel great.
So I sat down to describe my experiences with this energy therapy with the hope that maybe someday these will be published and by this I will make it easier for some other miserable soul looking for a chance to regain health, to find the way to the office of Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski, the real Master of biotherapy.
And for this quick and effective help I thank you with all my heart
Maria H.
Toronto, 18.05.2011

Ailments: Horrible headaches and backaches, also pain in left knee and stomach
Dear Mister Wiesław, or maybe even more - dear people who look for help when often fighting with hopelessness and fatality of medical diagnoses. I hope that the description of my problems, which I will present here, will help many of those in need to quickly arrive at the office of Mister Jaroslawski and in taking advantage of his saving energy therapy. And may this letter also be the expression of my gratitude.
I am 56 years old and for at least the last five years I was plagued with headaches – although the word ache is decidedly too mild. Those were horrific migraines with which it is impossible to exist; where a turn of the head by just a few centimeters is pure torture.
Already on the first day of such a migraine (and there could be several) the pain quickly grew and reached ‘Mount Everest’. During the following days (at least) I could only lay still, exhausted and crushed, and pray for it to go away. Different parts of the head were attacked; either a quarter, or a half, and another time the second half, and the pain lottery just continued. Burdened with this horrific pain I would swallow even ten pills of Tylenol (500g) a day. Such huge doses sometimes helped to dim the pain for about three hours and after that it would come back with double strength. Muddled by the drugs I would finally fall asleep but when I awoke there was no relief.
Supplementary to this misfortune were the aches of the back and the left knee – here I can, now jokingly, say that these were with me always. I was also sorely plagued by a constantly aching throat with the pain source on its left side.
Stomach pains came on top of all this. I had all possible tests – ulcers were eliminated from the diagnosis, finally it was said that the cause of all this is stress. Such an attack was like a clamp of choking pain – a paroxysm of such strength that it resulted in vomiting.
It was with such a set of aches that I came to Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. I started in October of 2010 and had four energy sessions:
- after the first there was some small improvement, but the pains still would return,
- after the second there was very clear improvement,
- after the third bioenergy treatment all the pains disappeared,
- for the fourth meeting with the energy emitted by Mister Wieslaw I went just in case to fix the healing effect.
And finally I am done with it! It is already six months from starting the biotherapy and no more pain! This is like a beautiful dream that turned into reality. A headache would attack me two or three times a week and at least once a month a horrific migraine would supplement this; the throat was constantly searing with pain, the spine and knee added their pain, and I was stressed out, vomiting and cursing my fate.
And now all this is just a painful history. Swallowing drinks and food is finally a pleasure and not torture. I can enjoy a healthy life now.
Perhaps to say thank you is not enough; it does not illustrate my gratitude for ‘returning to normality’. Still I do not know another word that could fully illustrate my gratitude – so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Grażyna K.
Baumanville, Ontario, 15.03.2011

Ailments: constant and very severe pain in both feet, for over two years
It was the beginning of 2009 – my son was 12 years old when one heel started to ache, and after a while both heels were painful. Medical consultations and tests began. A specialist, after an X-ray, said that these are “heel spurs” and prescribed physical therapy. So I took Nestor to all kinds of treatments, electric stimulations and massages, and even acupuncture. This went on regularly for six months and no healing effect was achieved.
According to specialists, my son grew out of this problem, but two years passed and he suffered immeasurably. In order to make movement easier for him he had special inserts in shoes called “caps gel”, which was to be a kind of amortization for the heels. These pads brought only momentary relief, for about a week and Nestor would again be at the starting point with pain torture of his feet. He suffered and I with him for almost two years.
In such a state of pain he ended up in the office of Mister Wiesław Jaroslawski.
And finally something wonderful was happening: after the first visit Nestor felt better, but the pain was still clearly felt, after the second visit one heel was healed; I don’t even remember which one, the right or left, after the third visit the pain was gone completely and my son’s feet were normal again.
Just to be certain and for the sake of “peace of mind” I brought my son for a fourth session of bioenergy therapy…but everything indicates that Nestor was healed and this is permanent, because a year has passed from the moment when Mister Wiesław Jaroslawski held near him his hands that spread energy and he continued to be a fully healthy boy and full of energy – he fortunately has forgotten completely about the pain that so long and stubbornly tortured him.
In summary – after two years of suffering and participating in all those treatments the doctors prescribed, there were no healing effects, but the three visits, plus the fourth one which was mostly preventive, in the office of Mister Jaroslawski broke my son’s suffering and definitely ended the problem.
I waited so long with writing this letter just to make certain that the effect of the biotherapy conducted with such mastery by Mister Wieslaw was permanent and now I can confirm with all certainty that Nestor was healed only because of the influence of his energy.
And I simply say THANK YOU
Anna K. (Nestor’s mother)
Mississauga, Ontario, 25.03.2011

Ailments: Depression. Complete deregulation of the organism – constant headaches, stomach and lower abdomen pains and also aching muscles, irregular heart beat and constant nausea; constant nerve pain shooting through the left buttock.
I would like to begin this letter with sincere thanks directed to Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski and to introduce him a little to people who may end up coming to him with their health problems.
What traits of Mister Wieslaw shod be underlined – he is warm, patient, always will find the right amount of time for the patient – even when I phoned him, often late in the evening, when he would be after a whole day of exhausting work. He also always had something good to say and with just the right amount of humor – so that I lived with hope that it certainly will be better. I also would get from him advice on my diet and he also would check if the vitamins and drugs I am taking are right for me.
When for the first time, over a year ago, I was preparing to go to Rochester (USA) – a three hour journey from Mississauga - to see him, I wondered if that would not be a waste of time. I was so weak then that I could not dress myself. I was shaking like jelly, my heart was pounding, my stomach and lower abdomen ached, headaches plagued me, muscles ached and I had nausea. I had no appetite, lost 15 kilos and I could not sleep – I was in constant fear and severe bouts of depression would get me. I felt so bad that a thought of death started to plague me even though I am only 61 years old.
I visited several doctors and each of them thought up a different ailment and they all fed me drugs that did not help at all.
A very heavy problem were the nerve pains that would shoot through my buttock – I was recommended a surgery for this ailment and I had it done in October of 2009, which did not in any way decrease my suffering. After this surgery I totally lost all hope for improvement.
And this „wreckage” arrived at the office of Mister Jaroslawski. Mr. Wieslaw said right away that I have very marked hyperthyroid and recommended taking baths with salt.
But, what was really shocking to me – already after the first visit (!) I clearly felt improvement. I stopped shaking, the stomach and abdomen pains stopped and I felt calmer and suddenly hope came back that it can be better. Mr. Wieslaw with his innate humor assured me that I will live...all the way till death.
Already with faith in the final success I continued stubbornly to visit through a whole series of them, at first once a week and later every two weeks. Each time it was better. Now, as I am writing this letter I can truly say that my bad symptoms went away and my appetite returned – I gained over 5 kilos. I completely stopped taking sedatives and painkillers. I am calm, well balanced and I look on life totally differently - mostly I am optimistic and have faith in a happy future.
For these values that, besides health, he also returned to me - for finding the joy of life…
I will always be grateful to Mister Wieslaw
Krystyna M.
Rochester, NY, 09.06.2011

Ailments:  painful left knee, complications after breast surgery

    I began seeing Mr. Jaroslawski in November 2010.  My first visit was to see if he could help me with a problem, that I was having with a pain full left knee.
I was truly surprised with the results of his treatment.  However, the greatest gift that I received to date was the relief from the pain that I was left with after breast surgery.
     I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2006 and underwent a lumpectomy and this was followed by Radiation Treatment. I had turned down six months of chemotherapy. The surgery had left me with a great deal of scar tissue and my breast became almost solid with it.
I was not prepared for the pain that came with that. Since I am still employed full time, pain medication was not an option. I never knew when it would strike, the duration or severity of it. At times it was so severe, it would stop me in my tracks. The pain came in waves that would last a minute or two, subside only to start right back again. This could go on for five or ten minutes and might not return that day or it could go on all day and at times it would wake me up in the middle of the night. The only way to describe the pain would be to compare it with night cramps or a charley hoarse that came in waves in ones chest.
When I spoke to my oncologist about it, I was told that some women are sometimes left with this after surgery and that there was really nothing that could be done other than pain medication.
How do I say thank you to someone who has freed me from pain that I have endured for the last five years!
I have been free of this since December of 2010 and the most amazing thing is that the tissue in my breast has softened to almost normal.
Can this be true? It is and I would tell any woman that is going through scar tissue pain, that there is hope for you.
Mr Jaroslawski, from the bottom of my heart I thank you.

Yours truly,
Marie S. 
Windsor, Ontario, 21.07.2011

Ailments: Very severe allergy.
(letter written by mother Galina)
My little son, who now is 12, was plagued for seven years with such a severe cough – very suffocating and what’s worse constant. At first I thought that this was connected to the flowering of plants because I also reacted with allergy at such periods. But that cough became chronic for Thomas.
At first it was still up and down. At that time some polyps were found in my son’s sinuses and these were removed surgically. Unfortunately this did not change anything and the boy coughed ever more severely – constantly in fact.
When those polyps weren’t it then the allergy story became binding and special tests showed that Thomas is allergic to almost everything. The doctor even went as far as to say that it may be asthma and then began our journeys to various hospitals and Scientific Centers (St. Joseph’s Hospital in Burlington and Mac Master Hospital in Hamilton) – where many new tests and X-rays were done, among others those for sweating, for tuberculosis in the lungs, and numerous blood tests. None of these actions demonstrated the causes of this horrible cough.
There were attempts to give him many different pills and inhalations and not the least success was achieved. On the contrary, my son coughed even more deeply and sometimes would be choking.
In this state, in August of 2011, I brought my son to see Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. The biotherapist, without asking about anything, began to take care of my son, moving his hands in a specific way around his body. He said in short that the boy has strong energy blocks of the respiratory system and this in consequence led to this horrible cough – but he will take care of this without any difficulty.
I listened to this statement a bit like to a good fairy tale and with disbelief – I had behind me many years of bad medical experiences, still somewhere deep there was in me a conviction that it is worth it to try this biotherapy.
I started to come with Thomas once a week and there were eight visits. I was surprised, although the better word would be shocked – already after the second visit there was improvement. I can say that it improved in 90%. I am looking at this number in disbelief and to make it more believable I am writing it in words – ninety percent (!) and this at the very beginning of therapy. The other visits made this effect permanent. Seven years of daily horror were now stopped – my son’s cough stopped completely…and how can I now put into short words all my gratitude.
May the good God protect your unique talents so that you could carry health and joy to the greatest possible numbers of those who need it.
Thank you from the depths of my heart
Galina I. (Thomas’ mother)
Burlington, Ontario

Ailments: Severe allergy.
I am now 46 years old and my problem appeared about five years ago. During the first two years these allergic reactions would attack in the spring and autumn. Later this turned into cycles starting in late September to the first frost.
In general the problem was seated in the area of the sinuses, nose and eyes. All the time I was plagued with severe tearing of the eyes and I could not clear my permanently blocked nose. Numerous tests showed that I am allergic to plant pollen and dust.
After consultations with an allergist I was given a prescription for some anti-allergy shot – I received it once a week through the period of three years (!). I could describe its effects at the most at 10% and these were just short term improvements.
This is how I suffered five or even six years until starting the good therapy meetings with Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski.
My first visit was at the end of September 2011 and already after this meeting I could finally breathe through my nose (!). This was an awesome relief. I could finally normally function and sleep without snoring, snorting and wheezing.
It used to be with this allergy that it would happen especially in the mornings that I couldn’t even drive a car because I could not wipe fast enough the tears that would fill my eyes. My eyelids and the entire area around the eyes were swollen – kind of balloons as if someone hit me.
I am writing this letter still astounded, after the fourth visit, and I can most certainly say that the problem of my allergy disappeared. It still is hard for me to believe this wonderful and quick healing effect – I am listening carefully to my body with fear that something bad could come out again – but Mister Wieslaw with a smile is assuring me that everything is and will be in order. All the energy blocks in my body were removed and the good and strong energy which returned my health is in charge now.
And for this repair of my health, without which nothing brings joy – I sincerely thank you.
Dariusz W.
Brampton, Ontario, 07.10.2011

Ailments: Cyst near the gall bladder
(Letter written by mother Patricia)
When I was pregnant with my daughter Maja, during this pregnancy two ultrasound viewings of the fetus were done – the first during the third month and the second during the sixth month. Both showed that near the gall bladder of this tiny being appeared a cyst initially 5 millimeters in size but unfortunately showing tendency toward growth.
This was confirmed by successive ultrasound tests done at the “Trilium” Hospital in Mississagua - the third check, a few hours after Maja was born and the fourth, when she had two months. The cyst had achieved already the size of 15 millimeters (1.5 centimeters).
The pediatrician was not certain what it really is. He only said that it was not cancer but the danger of transformation into the bad direction did exist, so he forwarded Maja to a specialist in this type of ailments at the „Sick Children Hospital” in Toronto. The date for this appointment was 28.10.2011.
It was my luck that somewhat earlier from a friend, like from a good fairy, I had received information and contact to the bioenergy therapist Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. I came to him with Maja at the beginning of October 2011 and there were several visits – and this was the only (energy) treatment before the consultation.
It started with the fifth already in the life of my little girl ultrasound session and it was different from the previous tests. The previous ones were short and after about five minutes the existence of this growing cyst in the abdomen of little Maja was confirmed. This time the technician worked with Maja over half an hour and then she called in a specialist who also spent with Maja another half an hour – finally he said that she does not see anything wrong here, no cyst or deformation. On this occasion he also checked my baby’s kidneys, which fortunately are working properly.
His statements, in written form, reached the pediatrician caring for my daughter, who really was not able to comment on them logically. He floundered clearly and finally said that maybe the previous ultrasounds were not read properly, which sounds like black humor – because these were done in a hospital with a good opinion and all four that followed confirmed existence in the same place of a constantly growing cyst.
The end result, only thanks to the energy therapy conducted by Mister Wieslaw, is fortunate and Maja is healthy as a little fish and hopefully this will continue for all her days.
And I on my part besides a tear of happiness enclose sincere THANK YOU!
Patricia A. (mother of currently 4 months old Maja) 
Milton, Ontario, 11.11.2011

Ailments: Inactive left kidney
(Letter written by Krzysztof Sadzon – Damian’s father)
I would like to direct this letter to the greatest possible number of parents whose children suffer serious illnesses so they would know that there is always hope and a chance for help – in our case the final saving hand was that of Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. This letter I am writing with full support of my wife Anna.
Our little son Damian, when he was five months caught some kind of infection – he had very high fever (over 40 degrees) so he was shaking. We took him to a hospital where after 2-3 hours of waiting he was taken for diagnosing and after that he was kept in the hospital. In his urinary tract they found bacteria called e-coli. We were told that children at that age are very susceptible to this type of bacteria, which have a tendency to spread in the body and may reach the blood and brain – then the consequences may be tragic.
During the drug therapy, which followed, it was possible to stop the spread of the bacteria. Our son was in the hospital for 10 days and he got an antibiotic that we were to keep on giving him for one year twice a day. However, despite the optimistic prognoses the doctors feared that the bacteria could cause some damage. And that’s what happened. It was found that the boy’s urine returned to the kidneys and this mean “e-coli” damaged the left kidney. From that moment Damian’s kidney stopped growing. Doctors kept saying not to worry because in the end the function of the damaged organ will be taken over by the right one and the child can live like that.
We had to watch our son, his behavior and go for more checkups after about six months. All this time we kept giving Damian the antibiotic, but its side effect was sever eczema. Our son was covered with a red rash on the whole body – it spread literally everywhere: on the face, behind the ears – moreover his skin was scaling and he had enlarged lymph nodes on the neck, legs and arms, and behind his ears lumps had formed.
At that time he was subjected to leukemia tests – because these symptoms were very worrying and indicated such a possibility. But the problem was not in his blood, the kidneys did not work well and more toxins were left in the body poisoning it successfully.
This was definitively confirmed by the routinely planned tests (I am writing routinely because usually a series of checkups is set, every six months). It was confirmed then that the left kidney is not developing, it is not active – the official statement was: „the kidney is dead”. Such a diagnosis was written in Damian’s medical record and it was also marked that the right kidney took over its function. We were not to worry and keep giving him the antibiotic and come for the next checkup in six months.
At such a moment we reached Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski – our child had about six months then. During the first session the biotherapist immediately said that the left kidney is not working but he also said that he will try to repair that. And even if that was a bit too optimistic we were encouraged and hope came into our hearts. We came regularly every week and during the fifth energy therapy session Mister Wieslaw said that he does not feel any energy block in the area of Damian’s left kidney and that according to him it already started to work. He recommended that we observe the color of his urine and how often it comes.
At the same time the symptoms of the eczema started to recede, the numerous rashes were disappearing, and the lymph nodes returned to normal sizes. Still we came for three or four more sessions and we informed the biotherapist that in three weeks we have the appointed special tests, including ultrasound test. He only smiled and we again heard that he is certain about his analysis of Damian’s state of health and we will be convinced that the kidney which the doctors said was dead is really working.
After the ultrasound test we had the already planned meeting with the urologist, who was the leading specialist and evaluated our son’s state of health. We were both, with my wife, present during this checkup. The technician started the ultrasound from that unfortunate left kidney and then we saw on the screen that it clear pulsates. We turned attention to that and asked what that means but the technician directed us to the specialist for evaluation. Still the technician was clearly confounded and prolonged the test but at a certain moment she excused herself and walked out, probably for consultation with the doctor. After returning she only said shortly that the test is okay and we can now go to the urologist.
We went to the indicated office but there we met still another doctor who conducted an additional interview with us on Damian’s illness. After the interview ended the doctor left and came back with the urologist who took care of our son at the beginning.
This specialist clearly was embarrassed, sat at the desk, opened the computer and not looking at us started explanations from which it was evident that she does not know what happened, she is not able to explain, that sometimes after injury of unknown cause, a kidney described as dead undertakes functioning – and this is so in the case of Damian, his left kidney is active again and is relieving the right one. Its viability is confirmed by the fact that it started to grow because at the time when she, a specialist, found it to be dead it had measured 3.6 cm and now it already has 3.9 cm. It is difficult for her to describe in what percentage the functionality has returned because in order to make that more precise she would have to put Damian to sleep and conduct invasive tests, so it is better to wait until the child will be older. On the basis of her experience she can only guess that about 10 to 30 percent of the kidney is working already. And she suggests that the next test should be done after at least one year.
We left the office so enlivened and joyous that we almost collided with a wall that suddenly ”grew” in our path.
Now we carefully observe our son – the child is like reborn. He is very lively, bursting with energy, drinks a lot, urinates normally, all traces of the allergy disappeared, his resistance increased greatly – we now have a happy and healthy child – and we are overjoyed.
We are convinced – as Parents who everyday observed changes for the better taking place in Damian’s body – that all this is due to the energy therapy conducted by Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski. Gratitude is hard to put into words – but after coming out from those hospital consultations I had called Mister Wieslaw and I hope that he felt what my wife and I wanted to tell him in our probably confusing but joyful tale.
May the good God have you in his care and your healing talents thanks to which you can give help and health to the unfortunate searching their chance for rescue and healing.
With expression of gratitude and respect,
Krzysztof and Anna S.
(parents of Damianek, who is now 2 years and three months)

Ailments:  Artur – paralyzing pain in the left shoulder; Wiktoria –  constantly chapped and reddish hands with breaking skin   
(Letter written by Małgorzata L., the mother of Artur and Wiktoria)
My son, a very fit medalist in slalom skiing, was suffering from increasing pain in the left shoulder. It was so much more bothersome in that Artur is a violin player, an artist who constantly uses his left arm to hold the instrument. After several days the pain was so strong that he could not get dressed on his own or even hold a mobile phone in his left hand.
We went to the „Trillium” hospital in Mississauga, where they declared that he had „muscle flu”, which is most probably a viral infection of the muscles and he was given Tylenol. My son took this popular painkiller but the pain grew.
The next step was five visits to a physiotherapist. After all these session – within them electricity was used and acupuncture, as well as warming up and massage – the pain continued to grow. The physiotherapist suggested taking from the family doctor a referral for X-rays in order to exclude some possible straining or splitting – I really don’t well know what.
After this diagnosis, instead of the X-rays, we flew directly to Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski. The therapist for a moment moved his hands in an outline around Artur’s body and said that there is a strong energy blockade in the upper part of his spine and then with a smile he proceeded with his action. The energy he emitted must have been strong because my son was at some moment on the verge of fainting and Mr. Wiesław had to stop the energy transmission for a moment. Further everything was alright.
Then came the request for Artur to raise his arms. I watched stupefied as he easily, without any trace of effort and with a smile did what was unthinkable just a few minutes ago, and I could not hold back my tears, which flowed down my face.
I can say that the healing effect was almost immediate – PAIN DISAPPEARED ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY. Artur said: “That was a miracle”, and on the way back he informed about it all his friends, by SMS.
At the University (York Department of Music), where he studies the alt and piano – both his professors had previously forbade him to use the instruments for several weeks just so he would not worsen the state of his painful shoulder. And here, the day after the visit with Mr. Jarosławski, Artur returned to the University and played in the orchestra, and three days later he played a solo concert. My son had come back one more time to see Mr. Jarosławski before his solo concert, but all was well.
Let me also mention my daughter Wiktoria (10–years old), who was in the waiting room during her brother’s therapy. After the end of the session with Artur, Mr. Wiesław came for a moment to the waiting room and immediately noticed the child’s chapped hands. He only glanced at her and said that the cause is a strong energy block in the liver – an effect remaining after previously taken antibiotics. He concentrated for a moment touching the area of her liver and gave a few simple dietary recommendations. Already after three days there was clear improvement, and after a week my daughter’s hands were beautifully soft.
I had earlier tried out various creams and ointments, and also natural preparations such as Propolis and Aloes, and even applied Cortizon but nothing positive resulted. Wiktoria’s hands were constantly chapped and red, the skin broken even with blood appearing. These attempts at saving the child’s hands lasted several years – and here, just after one visit with Mr. Jarosławski came healing!
I don’t want to keep on multiplying praises – let the facts speak for themselves. My children are healthy and happy, just like their Mother, who with the widest possible smile thanks Mr. Jarosławski for such effective and quick therapeutic action.
Małgorzata L. (Mother of Artur and Wiktoria)
Toronto, 03.03.2012

Ailment: cancer of the lymph nodes at 4th  degree - Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Huge hope in Bioenergotherapy…                       
I was 37 when last year just after giving birth to my youngest daughter, at the end of May, one night was to change my whole life forever. One Saturday morning I woke up with a huge thickening on the right side of my neck, from the ear to the shoulder. My husband noticed it immediately. We were both frightened with my state and that same day we went to the hospital in Stoney Creek to the emergency room. This hospital however did not have the right apparatus that could properly diagnose my case. Therefore, it was suggested that I go to St. Joseph’s in Hamilton. We had the weekend and helplessness ahead of us. I tried to tell myself that this may be just a cold because I was having a worsening cough that caused lack of air and I also had difficulty with breathing. Often the cough ended with vomiting. I had no idea how sick I was. I really thought that this was only a somewhat worse cold caused by a virus. On Sunday I again ended up in the hospital emergency room. My health was getting worse although I quietly believed that this is nothing serious and that maybe this is just a return of childhood “mumps”, or infection of the lymph nodes. Immediate referral to the hospital in Hamilton seriously disturbed me and my husband.
On Monday, I was at St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton in the “Urgent Care and Diagnostic Centre”. After detailed tests that included blood test and X-rays, I was referred for MRI. 
There results were to be known in three days. These were very long three days and my endless internal fear. My husband’s concerned look and two little daughters (1 and 3 years of age), at who I looked; this did not let me sleep. Still I never lost hope that everything will be well. The bad news was to come sooner than I thought. On Tuesday we received a phone call that I should come to the hospital immediately. Initial results confirmed fears of some of my family members, who carefully hid them from me, that it was cancer.
The lady doctor who took care of me confirmed the diagnosis. I received a referral for biopsy and specialized test called CAT scan. Results, after these last tests, sounded like a sentence: “You must prepare for my information. It is cancer of the lymph nodes, of the 4th degree - Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. You also have water near the heart and in the area of the lungs and two small lumps near the lungs, which significantly raises the risk to life”. That same day began my fight with the deadly illness. I found myself in the hematology and oncology ward at the Juravinski Hospital in Hamilton. I laid there 7 days connected to intravenous drips, with the hope of combating this terrible and treacherous illness. In my case the chances for a cure were given by the doctors at 50/50. Still I believed that it can be different. I was only 37 years old and had a wonderful husband and two beautiful tiny daughters. I was just starting my life! It couldn’t end so quickly! I put the crossbar high for myself, very high, at winning in the fight against this terrible illness. Fighting for my life together with me was my family: parents, husband, in-laws and friends. According to the doctor the only aid was to come from chemistry because this type of cancer is inoperable. I was given 12 chemotherapy sessions. After the second chemo it seemed to me at night that I was dying. I had strong pains in my chest, my left hand was numb and I was short of breath. Again I ended up in the hospital. The doctor’s opinion was clear – one of the four components used in my chemotherapy blocks the heart and lungs – it is dangerous to life and must be set aside immediately. My hope for shortening the chemotherapy “fell”. Knowing that chemotherapy may bring on negative effects besides healing because it also kills healthy cells, we searched for alternative treatment. It was then that my Dad found information about a man who is able to do miracles with energy. His energy could assist in the fight against cancer by strengthening my immunological system. This man is the Bioenergytherapist Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski. I would so much like to live, appreciate my youth, marriage and children, so I immediately accepted the conditions posed by Mr. Jarosławski. Primarily these were regular, weekly visits in his office and the important thing, diet and change of my to-date way of life and faith in overcoming the illness. What a huge surprise to me was the diagnosis he posed, absolutely on target, before my Dad and I even had time to tell anything about my illness. I knew that I found myself in good hands, full of healing and supportive energy. Mr. Jarosławski said right at the beginning of the treatment that my kidneys and liver are undamaged despite the huge amount of chemistry? This was for me huge joy. Someone who goes through chemotherapy certainly knows how it damages these two vital organs. Once a week, with great hope, I drove to Mississauga, 80 km one way. After the first biotherapy sessions I started to feel a huge surge of energy and improvement in level of comfort. I started to sleep better and even though I kept losing more hair I still did not lose hope that I will live! And I will conquer this fatal illness and my weakness with the help of Mr. Wiesłąw Jarosławski – my biotherapist. From week to week I became stronger and my doctor was in awe and at the same time surprised by my improving state of health, which was confirmed by further tests. Results were surprisingly good. Of course I informed my oncologist about my visits with Mr. Jarosławski. His answer then was that if this supportive therapy helps me with the treatment against cancer I may certainly continue.
After seven months from starting the fight against cancer and six months of bioenergotherapy, with my soul on my shoulder I went for the final detailed blood tests, cat-scan and pet-scan, which were to confirm or exclude the existence of cancer cells in my body.
On 28 December 2011, I received from my doctor, the oncologist, the most joyous news in my entire life (!): You are free from cancer! There is no trace of cancer cells.  
And even though my fight with cancer ended positively I still do the control tests every three months and still visit my Bioenergotherapist, who so miraculously fought together with me by aiding my body with the energy that healed me. I can certainly say today about Mr. Jarosławski two true words: Miracleworker and Phenomenon! And it is for this that I am so very grateful to you Mr. Wiesław. I am not able to even utter how very much ! I wish for you lots of health and many, many years of life, so that you could help people like me!
Joanna K., Binbrook Ontario
8 March 2012

Ailments: Constant migraines, pain in the upper back (multi-level discopathic disorders of the spine), stiffening of the left arm and leg, anxiety-depression neurosis.
My problem, and in fact the entire forfeiture of healthy life, was caused by time and place of my birth. It took place one week before the Warsaw Uprising erupted. Then the first two months of my life were spent in a cellar under an apartment house in Mokotów – totally malnourished, in an atmosphere of bombings and horror, under constant pressure of loss of life, which was faced by my parents.
After the fall of the Uprising, special German battalions searched out residents and after loading us into cattle railway cars the transport was sent off to Oświęcim. Somewhere along the route my parents managed to run away and for a long time we wondered through villages – finally we reached our relatives in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, through which at that time ran the front line.
In this city my first medical exam showed that as a three months old infant I was much neglected – scarcely nourished, dehydrated, in essence a skeleton. Doctors pumped into my veins some nutritious potion and slowly proper vital functions were returned – but this forfeited initial period of my life became the cause of many later ailments. I had even a predisposition to some.
The worst was the feeling of hopelessness. Among others I had then gone through poisoning after months of drinking water from a well that was polluted with dead animals; this damaged my liver. Years of hunger continued and there were years of poverty and Stalin’s terror and all this left stamps on my life and health.
I was always pale, thin, and could hardly stand on my feet; always susceptible to all infections. Then also as a child of several years I started to have very strong headaches. This was associated with greater nervousness, which resulted in insomnia. Headaches really constantly accompanied me all my adult life. Through tens of years I took the famous ‘pills with a cross’ and later went through all available pain killers from Poland and Germany and even those imported from the US. I also took advantage of herbal medicines, such as those from the friars of the Order of the Merciful Brothers (Bonifratrzy), but this was all with meager effect, just some temporary relief.
About 1980 came pains in the upper back and neurological ailments that appeared in the form of the stiffening of the left arm and leg. The torturous pain increased with each month - it was like a knife being pushed between the shoulder blades. I could not walk properly, lie down or sleep and that is when anxieties and the depressive-anxiety neurosis began. I started to get psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation and by the end of 1984 ended up in the Medical Rehabilitation Ward in Kraków where I would spend a couple months each year.
After several years of treatment some improvement came and it lasted until 1997 when in December the back pains returned with double strength and the decreased mobility of the left side plus lack of surface sensitivity on the left foot.
Due to a suspected injury to the spinal cord I was ordained an MRI test (in 1998), which was repeated in 2000. These confirmed the multi-level discopathy in the upper spine with pressure being exerted by internal knobs on the spinal cord – this was the source of the many years of monstrous pain near the spine and the headaches.
In 2005, symptoms of depression surfaced in me to a degree I never experienced before and then I ended up in a hospital for psychiatric treatment. Let me say in short – the hospital stay did not even in the least degree fulfill the hope placed in it.
In 2010, my health got so much worse that at the Psychiatric Out-patient Clinic I was given psychotropic drugs, which were often changed but there was no improvement. Instead one more symptom was added – stomach pains, and insomnia returned, as did back pains and restricted movement of the left hand. I was 66 years old and was as in a trap; I did not see a way out and kept closing myself ever deeper in an anxiety depression.
I still tried to fight this – friends took me to a healing Mass, the leading psychiatrist once more changed my psychotropic drug to a newest generation product, but the real positive change started from the moment I met Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski.
At the beginning it was a telephone contact (I was in Kraków and he was in Toronto) and his energy treatment went on at such a long distance. To my surprise already at the first talk he himself very precisely pointed out all my ailments; I also felt a clear flow of the forwarded energy – he calmed me, took off the pain from my poor head and spine, brought back the capability of sleeping without drugs, and rebuild my psyche and optimism. I started to come out from the cocoon and asylum of my small apartment into the world, which wasn’t any more so bad and threatening.
Additionally, to my luck, in this period Mr. Jarosławski came to Poland, to Wilga near Warsaw, for a few days to participate in higher level trainings in arhatic yoga (a system developed by his Teacher and Master, a legendary Chinese – Choa Kok Sui), which were conducted by Choa’s wife – Charlotte Anderson, in.
I could not let such an occasion pass by and went there and it was possible for me to take part in two direct biotherapy sessions with Mr. Wiesław. My impressions were most positive. In his presence I right away clearly felt better. Whether it is charisma or his ardent energy – this man attracts, creates an atmosphere of security and undoubtedly had a healing effect. It is difficult to put this into words even though I am a linguist with a doctorate from the Jagiellonian University and specialization in the theory of translation from Slavonic languages. I will put this into three words – he assured: harmony, order and security. I must state, with my hand on my heart, that I returned to Kraków in a clearly changed mood and excellent composure.
And this positive trend in my health lasts till today. I have no back pains, the number and frequency of headaches clearly diminished. In comparison with the horrific regularity of migraines flattening me completely, throughout my life really, now this problem became rare and slight. It never was this good.
Energy, initiative and eagerness for life returned to me. I renewed neglected contacts and I appreciate each healthy day, finally. I regained internal peace and have the certainty that the positive breakthrough in my health came from the bioenergy sessions (at a distance and direct) masterfully conducted by Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski. This effect proves real, beneficial and measurable impact of his energy.
Thank you with all my heart,
Bohdan Ł.
Kraków, 09.03.2012.

Ailment:  Extensive heart attack.
(Letter written by Bożena’s sister – Maria Sz.)
It is not easy to put into words that storm of feelings that still shakes me. I constantly have before my eyes the suddenly listless face of my sister and hear the doctors’ words that later fell at the hospital and did not carry encouragement.
Everything started five weeks ago; it was Friday and I was driving my sister home. The trip went smoothly up to the moment when Bożenka suddenly (it was just a moment) fainted and lost consciousness. I stopped immediately and tried to awaken her, reanimate her, call for help. She was unconscious and the horror continued – the ambulance took her to the hospital in this condition and there it turned out that a massive heart attack caught her.
At first they tried to widen my sister’s veins by a special little balloon put inside – but she was too weak and this could not be performed. Her chances for survival were described at 50% and she was put into pharmacological comma and with special compresses she was additionally cooled down to the temperature of 32 degrees.
The next day when I was going to see her at the hospital I had something of a revelation. I chose this word on purpose and I will keep underlining it. I suddenly understood and knew that I must immediately contact Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski – in his power and the capability of energetic impact at a distance was the only chance for quick healing for Bożenka. I simply felt this – I previously knew Mr. Wiesław and had the chance to come to know from his documentation of the many cases of fascinating healings, which he caused even when a patient was at a distance of thousands of kilometers from him, so I did not hesitate for a moment.
I called Mr. Wiesław at home and spoke with him directly. There was no trace of hesitation;-he immediately began to transmit energy to my sister. He did this every few hours, through Saturday, Sunday and Monday – I was in frequent telephone contact with him and informed him of every change in my sister’s condition and of current diagnoses and medical forecasts. I also often spoke with his partner, Ms. Jola, who kept up my spirits immensely and even when during our conversation Mr. Wiesław was concentrating on transmitting this miraculous energy, which was to awaken Bożenka to life. This was for me a kind of double therapy, saving my psyche and my sister’s life.
On Monday the most important, and perhaps decisive to Bożenka’s life, activity was to happen – an attempt to awaken her from the comma. During the preceding 24 hours her body was being warmed up and soon it was to be seen if she opens her eyes again and if her brain will function normally.
It was Monday evening when directly from work a hastened to the hospital. When I entered her room I was horrified to see her empty bed. The darkest thoughts fell on me and I was afraid to even put them into words. Only after some time I looked around the room and saw her sitting by the window contemplating the landscape. I must add that at that moment I had been close to a heart attack myself, but right after that I dashed to hug her.
It turned out that Bożenka had very smoothly, without the least disturbances or sensations, awakened and right away she made full contact. Somewhat later, with the help of my daughter, I studied her healthcare card and we noticed the writing by the doctor in charge about the surprisingly quick, even unexplainable return of her body to efficient functioning.
Despite such a lucky course of the therapy the doctors insisted on doing the bypasses. After a week she was transferred to the common room where she awaited the operation. It was to be a transplant of veins taken from her arm or leg. I am not well versed in the details – I can only state that the operation ran smoothly and the surgeon later told me that he did not have to reach for veins from Bożenka’s appendages because he could apply some simpler solution.
Afterwards the convalescence of my sister was quick as lightening. Today, when I am writing this letter, it is three weeks from the operation (five weeks from the heart attack) and we are going for a visit to Mr. Wiesław. Bożenka is like new – she moves about all by herself, is physically and mentally functional and she is very happy with this first serious trip from the moment of that horrible attack.
The entire post-surgery convalescence is like out of the handbook. Very quick (I am underlining the doctors’ astonishment), without infection – it is ready to be presented to medical students.
We know, with absolute certainty, how substantial a role was played by the energy support from Mr. Wiesław Jarosławski and that is why I would like to express clearly with my sister our gratitude and from the heart (saved by Mr. Wiesław, so I can use this term) thank for the demonstrated goodwill and immediate undertaking of the beneficial energy treatment – or simply for saving Bożenka’s life.
Maria Sz. (writing this letter with the full support of sister Bożenka K.)
Kitchener, Ontario, 11.03.2012
/././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././Ailments:  Problem with becoming pregnant.

Alexandra Sell & Paul Piotrowski
Phone: (403) 452-4244

To All Whom This May Concern,
My husband and I wanted very much to have a child, but months of our marriage went by and I still could not become pregnant. I thought that good luck had left us. Both my husband and I have decisive characters; we always go toward the goal and expect specific, quick results.
However, in this case time went by, another nine months passed and our dream was not being accomplished. Every month I lived through another disappointment and was becoming ever more frustrated. Official medicine, not finding any causes of such a state, could not in fact help us.
We started to search for assistance in unconventional therapies, such as acupuncture and naturopathy – but still there were no results.
Our fate was finally changed by a visit with Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski in Calgary. During this short stay he saw a small group of patients and among these lucky ones also me and my husband. It was only one energy therapy session with the transfer of his healing energy, perhaps through about twenty minutes for me and then for my husband. I will describe it as an unusually interesting and sensually surprising occurrence. I clearly felt the flow of his mighty energy and slightly shocked became aware that after the session ended I was as if reborn.
And that’s how it was, because in the next month the pregnancy test showed what nine months later was achieved with the birth of a beautiful and very healthy boy, whom we named Jakub. I do not have the slightest doubts that only the beneficial energy regulated and put our organisms in order  – giving us the 100% chance to fulfill our greatest dream.
And what’s very interesting, after the period of the next two years when we wanted to give Jakub a brother or sister – the situation repeated itself. Many more trials followed and, month after month, more disappointment. Only one way remained – a telephone call to Mr. Jarosławski. I was in Calgary and he was in Toronto, but such a large distance did not pose a barrier for his intense energy. We had about six telephone conversations during which Mr. Wiesław concentrated on transmission of the therapeutic energy, and I reported what is happening with me – and these were clear tingling sensation, warmth in the stomach area and slight dizziness.
And further everything went as in a good fairy tale – we had finished the energy sessions at the beginning of December and already at Christmas I could inform my family that I am pregnant (at the moment when I am writing this letter it is already the second month and everything so far is going correctly).
In closing I wish to declare that I will gladly undertake discussion with all interested in such wondrous assistance and will share details and feelings that I experienced during the energy-therapy sessions conducted by Mr. Jarosławski. I am giving to all interested, in the heading and below, my telephone number.
Thank you for everything.
Alexandra Sell, 
phone: (403) 452-4244
Calgary, February 10, 2012 

....Wiesław JAROSŁAWSKI, phenomenon and sensational discovery of recent years in Polish and worldwide biotherapy, offers his services in Toronto and Mississauga. All those wanting to become acquainted with his extraordinary healing capabilities are invited to call:

(for both locations)

Medical Building in Toronto, 2333 Dundas St. West (by Bloor St. West), room 408.
Medical Building in Mississauga, 3025 Hurontario St. (north of Dundas St.), room 510.

Appointments also in Windsor. For information call: 519-739-0253 
and in London - call 905 281-0008

Ailments: abscess on the colon near the rectum.
It is not easy to write of an ailment that fell on me with horrific pain about two weeks ago. However, the tortures I went through and the course of treatment are worth putting on paper.
Everything started with the appearance of a sharp pain near the rectum. Some sort of abscess, thickening or some other nasty stuff formed there. At the very end of the colon, right at the rectum a thickening formed that radiated pain. It was something horrible and the pain was just overpowering.
From the family doctor I went to the Emergency Room at Trillium Hospital in Mississauga. The doctor on duty said that it is an abscess and without additional tests made an incision in this thing. The pain shock almost paralyzed me and my scream must have scared all the people in the waiting room. On the cotton swab some blood appeared and I got some ointment, but there wasn’t even a trace of improvement – the horrible pressuring pain continued. Each step, any exertion, even coughing were such a torture that I wanted to howl.
This situation completely broke me up and weakened; I could not work and could not rest. The swelling that I had in the area of the incision increased and so did the pain even though I had thought that impossible. The doctors offered no further help, no specialized tests, nothing – I was left on my own.
In this hopeless situation I came to Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski after finding information in a newspaper. It is normal that a drowning man will even grab a knife so I took the risk and it turned out that this was my most fortunate decision
I met with the bioenergy therapist twice, day after day, (Friday and Saturday) and after the second visit on the way home I felt a distinct relief. The pain was becoming milder as if turning a knob on a radio. If I wanted to describe my pain on a scale from 1 to 10 then before the visit it was an eight and right after the visit…. maybe a four. I could already climb the stairs, which was impossible before.
In the next four days with every moment it was getting better and soon the pain was gone – and I’m writing this letter after the third visit with Mr. Jarosławski. I feel so great that I guess I’ll start flying.
It is worth adding that from the first meeting with a doctor I spent more on the ointments and pills than on the entire series of biotherapy sessions that I had and those medical preparations actually were harmful to me. After several attempts to use the ointments and suppositories I just threw them out.
And now I most certainly want to thank this miraculous therapist who so quickly and definitely rescued me from those horrible tortures.

Krzysztof S.
Mississauga, 11.05.2012.

Ailments: Painful cyst under the left knee
(Letter written by Radek’s mother Małgorzata)
At the beginning of 2011, my fourteen year old son started to complain that he cannot do sports because under the knee of his left leg he has some sort of a lump.
Radek had a serious problem with bending his knee; he described it as some sort of abrasion. At this time at school they had running-course exercises and with the use of different obstacles and he had problems with participating. After an attempt to run the course my son was exhausted and complained about strong pain, under his lefty knee.
I took my son to the family doctor. After the check-up the doctor said that this lump will dissolve by itself if he will continue to be active in sports. But the positive changes – despite the fact that Radek added swimming and skiing to his sports activities – did not come and the pain just grew stronger.
A recommended X-ray documented the existence of the cyst and we ended up visiting an orthopaedist.
The doctor confirmed that one option is to wait until one day this painful cyst disappears, which was not acceptable to Radek who wanted to be active in sports. The other option was invasive procedure, which is to drain the fluid from the cyst and later remove it by surgery. Then I decidedly refused to work with academic medicine.
Right after this I took Radek to the biotherapist, Mr. Wieslaw Jaroslawski, whom my parents had visited and so did my husband.
My Mother also had cysts and my husband had broken discs that pressured a nerve, which caused a disabling pain – from the back through the hip and down to the right leg – which made it impossible for him to move. He was in such a bad condition that he could not rise up from the bed but had to move down to his knees and then on all fours move to the bathroom. Bending was also impossible for him, not to mention any work.
These pain problems that were ruining his life went away after four visits with Mr. Jaroslawski and after six months since he completed the biotherapy my husband’s health continues to be okay.
The next patient from my family now was Radek with his painful cyst under his knee. Already after the first session the lump softened and after the next one it started to get smaller and then it finally disappeared along with the plaguing pain.
This week, on Wednesday, I went with him to a specialist at the Mac Masters Hospital in Hamilton. He looked closely at my son’s leg in search of the cyst but there was no trace of it and in a later comment he repeated that in his view my son’s activeness in sports was the healing factor.
But my son knows well what the truth is because he observed the procedure and felt the positive changes taking place in his painful leg after each biotherapy session with Mr. Jarosławski.
And it is for me to send the joyful – THANK YOU MISTER JAROSLAWSKI –
Małgorzata G. (Radek’s mother)
Brandford, Ontario, 26.05.2012

Ailment: Constant nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
(Letter written by Mateusz’s mother Małgorzata)
The problem of my thirteen years old son was hyper activeness and nervousness and also the ailment associated with this which was constant betwetting. This problem existed all the time but previously it would happen to Mateusz a couple times a month but in recent weeks, before the writing of this letter, regularly every night.
We went to the family doctor who had said that everything is fine with the boy. He prescribed testing the urine but this showed nothing. From the doctor my son received only vitamin C and the problem and its frequency grew. There also was a suggestion that the increased bedwetting may be related to his maturation.
And that was all academic medicine had to offer – time passed, Mateusz ate the vitamin C and there was no improvement in sight.
So we started to search for alternative methods and then I went for the first time with my son to a Polish bioenergy therapist. He was advertised as a world famous healer and regularly visited Canada. I went to him with Mateusz several, if not over a dozen, times during four years, in Poland and in Canada. I had the impression that this therapist did not take my son’s problem seriously – he did not describe my son’s state of health and I only kept hearing: “this is simple and will certainly go away”, but it did not just go away – so I decided that continuing sessions with him does not make sense anymore and then a friend gave me the phone number to Mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski, along with a very positive opinion.
I delayed making the appointment for a long time as I was disappointed with the previous therapist but I finally decided to give it a try because I love my boy and I could not block his potential chance to regain health.
At Mister Jaroslawski’s office I met with a completely different manner of conducting biotherapy. At the start he spent quite some time on an energy analysis of my son’s body – evaluated that Mateusz had very strong energy blocks that reflect strong stress and the strongest blockade is on the urinal tract and the heart. That was interesting because one of the symptoms my son had was blue lips. This would always happen after physical exertion, even a slight one. And those bed wettings were a terrible culmination.
The first session lasted maybe a quarter of an hour – Mister Wieslaw moved his hands around my son and placed them on different parts of his body, according to some code that only he was familiar with and in the end said that all the damaging energy blockades have been removed. He recommended observation of my son, his reactions and behavior.
But there was no need for detailed observation because Mateusz already after the first visit stopped wetting his bed at night. The problem did not recur even once although almost a month has passed!!! According to Mister Jaroslawski the problem has been removed once and for all.
I would also like to add that Mateusz became noticeably calmer, more efficient, and more stable and reacts better to physical exertion. For the first time in his life the blue lips syndrome does not occur. He suddenly became a good natured, happy and healthy boy and while I am overjoyed with this sudden healing I can only write: THANK YOU – in huge letters coming from the heart.
Małgorzata S. ( Mateusz’s mother)
Mississauga 21.06.2012.